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What’s new in Angular (Google I/O ’18)

Angular has a flag that will cut hundreds of kilobytes off of your bundles, improve mobile experiences, and allow you to dynamically create components on the fly. Learn about these changes and what they mean for your applications.

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#io18 event: Google I/O 2018; re_ty: Publish; fullname: Stephen Fluin; event: Google I/O 2018;



  1. Jose Javi Asilis

    20:57 What Google exactly has wanted to do with all the JavaScript frameworks and libraries and Web Components. You write in one Library or Framework and export it to WebComponents

  2. Code Overflow | E-Big Data Insights

    I like angular because it is simple and makes sense. React is faster and growing fast in hiring. What is the google Angular tactic strategies to take back its share in web projects and in jobs ?

  3. Qian Chen

    I think angular should stop at interpolation. That is the only anchor point for most angular users, in my opinion. Unfortunately they didn’t stop and monkey patches over monkey patches making this monster. The evil of angular in my opinion is it separated, or at least discouraged developers from raw dom access, which is the most essential and fundamental thing of the web development.

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