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Understand FAST English Conversations

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In this video we will teach you how to be able to understand fast English conversations and be able to communication with native English speakers in everyday life!

You've decided to start learning English, so let's build up your vocabulary! In this video, you'll learn some of the most important words and phrases in the English language. If you want to start learning English, this video is made for you. Our host expresses herself in simple English, with subtitles. This video will challenge your listening comprehension skills and help you progress in your English study.

This is the fastest, easiest way to pick up basic English!

Click here to get started with the English language:

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#Conversations #Speaking #English #LearnEnglish #EnglishClass101



  1. Jomahey Mohamed

    Yes ??? I’m still learning English from you Chanel ? . Thank you because you are always smiling when you teaching us ?????????????? The picture on my YouTube account meaning : life by Arabic : alhayaa / الحياة …. ( al = ال ) ( h = ح ) ( ayaa = ياة ) I hope that sounds good to you alish

  2. Marcos Silva - Saber Fazer

    Alisha is the best teacher that i know.I’m self-taught in english since 2016 but I’m improving my level watching your videos every day while to do my task in my job.I’m Marcos Silva from Brazil.

  3. Mc Level

    Thank you so much for your clear and really easy to understand. Even I am seriously injured from mortal accident, I am trying to concentrate your lesson because After my recovery then I will study or masteral on Bank and Finance and after I need to continue my Italian language . If I finished all the requirements, I am ready to apply in the bank for next year opportunity. . Life is beautiful and I don’t care how many Titatium phyramesh on my cervical spine stenosis, my left arm paralyzed needs brace or fix instead external wherever , I can drive safely. I need your prayer for my surgeries As Soon As Possible. Thank you so much , Let us study continuesly . Be well and safe.

  4. David F. James

    A good explanation at 17:08 regarding bathroom and restroom. The British use the word toilet more often but in America this usually refers to the porcelain receptacle, whereas the British use it to refer to the receptacle and the room it’s in. It can be a surprise to first-time American visitors to the UK to come through the airport and see large signs saying “Toilets”.

  5. Kecio Diogenes Casé de Carvalho

    Congratulations on another great job!! I have a question, in your opinion, listen to a lot of English, listen a lot, film, radio all in English, would you say it is fundamental, to learn to speak??? What would it be, say, the percentage, if we can talk like that… What is the importance of listen, to speak English??? thank

  6. Roger Silva Santos Aguiar

    You’re the best English teacher of the world Alisha! I’m from Brazil and I have been enjoying your lessons very much! I am an English class 101′ student, your method is perfect! Thank you very much dear teacher!

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