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Strings in C Programming | Part-1 | C Language Tutorial

Strings in C Programming | Part-1 | C Language Tutorial

C Language Tutorial Videos | Mr. Srinivas
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  1. Lavanya Ramesh

    Sir u r really a living legend for me no one can make me understand computer better than u sir l….I luv ur teaching very much……infact I suggested many friends to watch ur videos sir hatz of to u sir……….

  2. Ripul Rawat

    i am surprised to see only 14k views on his lectures.he is probably the most effective and best tutor of c language on youtube..views on his lectures must be in millions peoples are not aware about his lectures please spread these videos.
    great job sir.

  3. Siddu Smart

    sir in last session we had completed arrays. but we have types in it like 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays, which includes addition and multiplications of matrices. if yes please add those videos sir. BTW ur teachings was awesom. thank you so much sir

  4. Tommy Stephen

    Sir, your way of explaining logic is the best I have ever seen. I have a question on reversing a string using while loop. Logic is okay. I did the program in code block , it does not reverse the string! ‘one’ is reversed as ‘noe’ and “sand” as “asnd”, ie. ony the first two characters are interchanged. What could be wrong in my coding?

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