Strings in C Programming | Part-1 | C Language Tutorial
Strings in C Programming | Part-1 | C Language Tutorial
C Language Tutorial Videos | Mr. Srinivas
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Actually i didn’t understand c while reading the text book
But now i understand clearly
Ur teaching is xcellent osm
All d best 4 ur bright future
Best teacher in c programming…. Thank you sir ??
Sir u r really a living legend for me no one can make me understand computer better than u sir l….I luv ur teaching very much……infact I suggested many friends to watch ur videos sir hatz of to u sir……….
i am surprised to see only 14k views on his lectures.he is probably the most effective and best tutor of c language on youtube..views on his lectures must be in millions peoples are not aware about his lectures please spread these videos.
great job sir.
And how its 747K views 🙂
@pranjal pagaria arr stores the base adress but arr[i] doesn’t store adress it is a position so &arr[i] gives the adress of that position.
Now 6.9 lakh
@Juraij Bin Jamal How dare someone monetizes their time…
See today more than 0.6 million views of this video
The best Programming teacher for me who explains and explains whole content in the single short lecture . Thank You Very much Sir for this kind of Hardwork…
sir in last session we had completed arrays. but we have types in it like 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays, which includes addition and multiplications of matrices. if yes please add those videos sir. BTW ur teachings was awesom. thank you so much sir
Sir, your way of explaining logic is the best I have ever seen. I have a question on reversing a string using while loop. Logic is okay. I did the program in code block , it does not reverse the string! ‘one’ is reversed as ‘noe’ and “sand” as “asnd”, ie. ony the first two characters are interchanged. What could be wrong in my coding?
Sir You have given such great lectures on C, you explain every concept step by step and also all the small details, Thank You very much Sir for these lectures???
Sir, ur videos r really very good. Could you please give some more explanation about y we don’t use loops to read string.
really sir u teach very clear and simple ,u are the best one ,i learn alot of thing from u,sir upload video for beginners ,may god success u in ur field
Great job sir
U are the best when compared to other lecturers
Superb explanations sir Ur teaching is helping me lot in learning CS thank you sir
Just watch the tutorials in 1.25 speed and he is the best
Super idea bro, thank you ?
1.5 is also best ?. I am listening in this speed since a long time.
Bruh !! I’m watching at 2x
Amezing session sir , very helpful
Thank you so much ❤️
Sir u are great….. U help a lot of us… Your way of teaching is great…tysmd Sir …i go through with all of your c videos and have a clear concept on C
Superb explanation sir … I’m impressed by your explanation…. ????
Sir I can’t see this type of accurate explanation in c language. You are the best sir I can say proudly. Extremely extraordinary teaching
Good explanation !!But Please use more examples ?
Shreshth Juneja grudp
Very good explanation sir….highly recommended for beginners…,:)
In strings while using character by character initialization we have to give null character manually or not sir.(give reply)