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Strings in C | C Language Tutorial

Strings in C | C Language Tutorial
C Language Tutorial Videos | Mr. Srinivas
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  1. Pujari Basvaraj

    Hey Srinivas sir the teachers like you are the reason of why Indians are best in the world !!
    I was searching for the string functions for so long time i got it from your channel and i understannd it very well
    thankyou so much for making videos!


    Here is the complete code of finding length:
    int stringlength(char []);
    char str[30];
    int len;
    printf(“enter the string: “);
    printf(“name is %sn”,str);
    printf(“length of %s is %d”,str,len);
    int stringlength(char x[])
    int i=0,count=0;
    return count;

  3. satyam srivastava

    In example to reverse the string J is holding strlen(x) so for ‘NARESH’ it would be 6 excluding NULL character. Hence in swapping x[i] needs to be swapped by x[ j-1 ] that x[0] is to be swapped by x[5].

  4. Ranjima Ramadas

    While swapping 2 string we are assigned j as strlen(x), but in string Naresh it comes 6 and in Annie it comes 5. But sir, you take it as 5 and 4? Then how we can take j=strlen(x) ?

  5. Sanjay kumar Y R

    At 25.40 (time), The expression is x[i]=x[“%d”,i]+32 or a[i]=(“%d”,a[i])+32; because the character can’t be added to an integer.Take care of this brothers and sisters otherwise the console will print an error message.

  6. G B N

    Sir thanks for your valuable words but I’m having small doubt at 25:53 seconds part in if condition we used && it means it should satisfy both conditions but it is not always possible as any letter is not =Z.
    So can we use
    1)|| or symbol in it
    2)(x[i]>=’A’ && x[i]<='Z') Then this will be satisfied for all capital letters pls correct me if I am wrong sir...

  7. Gunika Kaur

    I cannot tell you how grateful I m…
    Thank you for teaching these topics so so so nicely!
    I don’t know what I would have done if your videos weren’t there….
    Just so you know… Your videos are the best out there for c..
    #Thank you…

  8. KP

    Really, you are great sir . Your teaching technique is very unique.
    Now, I can easily understand Array, string ……thank you so much … It is very helpful for me as well as for other students also . Those who are facing problems in C programming language… Once again thank you sir.?☺️☺️☺️??????

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