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Software Testing Basics In Tamil (Selenium Course In Tamil) Lecture – 1

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******************** In this video tutorial, we are going to learn about what is software, why software and how it works. Also, we going learn types of software with example. How testing is carried out in different ways in software.

Software is a set of programs or instructions. use to perform some specific task by computer.

There are two types of software.
System Software: System software directly interacts with hardware. System Software is responsible for managing hardware component, Generally, the System software is written in C language.

Application Software: This software are used to perform the user-specific task and runs over the system software, Following are the example of Application software: Browsers, Media players gaming applications, etc

Testing-Checking whether the software working according to requirement.
Ways of Testing:

For more details: www.programmingline.com/selenium/

#ProgrammingLine #SeleniumCourseInTamil #Rakesh

Video Credits: Abirami

Disclaimer: Thanks Abirami for contributing this video for this channel. I have paid Abirami for doing this video exclusively for this channel.


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  1. Jenifer Gunaraj

    Your videos are easy to understand. Thank U so much for that. I have completed B.Sc physics. Currently i working as a manual tester in an E-publishing Company. But, i have some intrest in selenium. So, i started to learn this by seeing Youtube videos and from some website. I have some hesitation to attend interviews. Bcaz, i am non-cs student and i have no any certificates in selenium testing. So, i have big confusion.
    Pls suggest me bro. ?

    1. Arunkumar GD

      @Programming Line spr jii..spr jii ennalayum job ku poite coaching centre Kum pooga mudiyala…Neenga free ah ve niraya course detailed ah upload panringa..it helps me a lot♥️♥️

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