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Socket Programming Tutorial In C For Beginners | Part 1 | Eduonix

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Sockets are the low-level endpoints used for processing information across a network. Some common protocols like HTTP, FTP rely on sockets to make connections. Socket Programming is the route of connecting two points on a network to communicate with each other. In this video, you will learn the basics of Socket Programming like definitions, Client socket workflow, Server Socket workflow and many more.

You will find the previous parts here:
Part 1:
Part 2:

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  1. Brent Ford

    This is a great video for beginner socket programmers like myself. Thanks a lot man!
    For anyone wondering where the close function came from, it comes from the unistd.h header file. Include it by stating “#include

    1. tarsus235

      Also, the way you can find this out by yourself for this problem and other problems like it, is to “man function_name” like he said in the video. When you type: “man close” in the terminal, you can see that you need the #include in your file.

  2. Wanderer's Training

    What a great tutorial! Thank you so much for making it. I just did a series of (free) courses to learn the basics of C, and I thought a fun next thing to learn would be sockets. Thanks to your tutorial, I feel like I’m getting a nice start with it. I’ll also check the references, because I want to know all the options!

  3. Brad M

    We should only have to learn so much about how to do it in unity before we can alter things into exactly what we want as well as create from scratch if we need something like a chat channel in game, or to install a new arena that needs to put people on teams before starting a match.

  4. Martin Mårtesson

    Thank you, this is an awesome video in just the right tempo for me. There are some things I was wondering though.

    I got a problem with the close function, so I imported to avoid getting a warning. and then instead of closing “sock” then I closed “network_socket” as you said that that was the file descriptor.

    Maybe it would be nice if you added that as a note or something in the video.

    Again thank you. It it a very nice video

  5. Kevin Stefanov

    I have a question. I have followed this course on Eduonix, and successfully made a server. But how do I make it able to work with PHP code? When I was using Apache for my server, it already knew how to work with PHP. But now that we’re writing our own server in C, how do we make that server also able to work with PHP?

  6. the deeliciousplum

    Wonderful tutorial. I have an exceptionally basic level of C programming. With that said, your tutorial was clear, covered the background info on what was needed for the tasks being enabled, and might I say that this server/client exercise worked on my elderly macbook with OSX 10.5.8 and a PPC processor. Thank you! I had never thought to explore how I can pass data between two or more apps. This will do nicely. Than you again.

  7. KingUnity

    Wow, compared to local programs this is really confusing. I guess practice makes perfect! Thanks man, you helped me program my first ever network application (even if i did have to update cygwin 6 times during the process to get necessary files and libraries -.-)

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