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Slow & Easy Japanese Conversation Practice – Learn Japanese

Following the English audio, the Japanese audio will be played. The audio will be played 3 times. By listening to the audio on repeat many times, the phrases you have learned will remain in your head.

Do you want to become able to speak Japanese fluently? If so, try reading aloud along with the video and audio! If you repeatedly practice, the phrases and vocabulary you have remembered will begin coming out of your mouth naturally.

Also check out!

– Learn Basic Japanese Phrases while sleeping or working (8 Hours)

– Learn 300 Japanese Survival Phrases (with subtitles)

– Practice Japanese conversation to learn slowly and easily

– Learn the 30 most important phrases in Japanese

– 1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases

– Short and Basic Japanese Conversation Practice



  1. Olive Juice

    I’m going Japan in 2-3 years in exchange so I wanted to learn but I realized no other method for learning works better for me than listening. And that’s exactly how I learned English cause when I was a baby my parents would talk French mostly (my first language, Canadian) but a lot of English and by just listening and watching I learned in a year or so. That’s why I say I was kind born knowing English because since birth I knew it. After I can hold a basic conversation I’ll get to learn to write which is quite easy for me but I’m still practising

  2. T-ReyeHD

    If I said anything wrong there, please correct me! I’m still learning, on my own, without a teacher.

  3. turtle and sky

    Thank you so much for this simple tutorial,its so easy to follow and very clear, it really helps me understand more of Nihonggo, im just a beginner so this one is so helpful! ❤ Arigatou!!


    Wednesday, July 17, 2019. This time I found the best video to learn phrases in Japanese which are presented in the video with a man that gives time to catch the words he is pronouncing. I noticed that there are some ways to pronounce the words suppressing one or two letters that I usually pronounced in isolated words like “u” in “su” that when pronounced in the sentence the “u” sound is suppressed and goes ahead as an “sss” or something like this. But anyway, I really liked the time the man takes to pronounce the sentences given me, the watcher, more time to understand Japanese the way it is spoken by the people of Japan, well!! I learned that in Japan there are some Prefectures or regions where some dialects of the language are spoken but those areas of Japan may not be frequented by occasional visitors. I am so happy now that I will celebrate it preparing a “Margarita” with tequila, lemon sugar, and salt and enjoyed this personal celebration. Maybe I will say to myself “Kanpai” or something like this. Long live that beautiful country with all its people that are full of cheerfulness
    and hospitability for the visitors to the country. I wish to Japan PEACE AND HAPPINESS FOREVER.

    1. Depressed tea /depresso espresso

      Oof dude, if you want to know how English actually sounds I’d suggest you watch English speaking YouTubers since there’re a lot of them. This is a robot text to speech voice and you’ll sound weird if you talk like this ?

  5. m a

    Understanding Japanese sentence structures will help you understand individual words and will help with your memorisation in the long run, there are loads of short videos on YouTube explaining them ^.^

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