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Selenium Tutorial series in Tamil | PART 1 – Getting started with Test Automation

This is the beginner video of the video series "Selenium Tutorial in Tamil". In this video I have covered, the basics of Selenium from getting started. Going forward we will learn all the aspects related to selenium.

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Reference Links:
How to Install Java:

How to install Eclipse:

Download Links:
1. Java download link ( )
2. Eclipse Download ( )
3. Selenium Server Standalone jar ( )
4. Chrome driver download link ( )

#Selenium #GettingStarted #LearnAutomationOnline



  1. R. Thiyagu

    You teach so easily even to the Non-Automation people, so awesome. This will be very helpful for rural students and gives good hope. By teaching in Tamil like this, you have been of great help to the majority of rural students and those have no code knowledge in IT industries . really much appreciated for all your efforts and invaluable Time..Thanks

  2. Raja

    Hi Arul, Just a suggestion/feedback! I think many will agree with this including you. It would be really helpful for people starting from Level Zero for automation learning, if you post one introductory video and make that Playlist Zero which explains the list of things one needs to learn. And they you can say what topics you are covering. I understand that you have added numbers for Playlist but introductory video will be helpful to understand the overview. Below list is taken from internet just to show you.
    Example 1:
    First you need to know one programming language preferably Java or C#.
    You need to know about following
    Selenium Webdriver API.
    Apache POI API for reading and writing data to excel.
    Log4j logging Utility for logging purpose.
    IDE : Preferably Eclipse.
    Version Control: GIT or SVN.
    Testing Framework: Preferably TestNG or JUnit.
    CI Tool : Jenkins.
    Build Tools: ANT and Maven.
    Knowledge of Frameworks: KeywordDriven, DataDriven and Hybrid.

    Example 2:

    Below are the expected skills that are being wanted to hire an selenium automation tester.
    1)Java (Assuming we are trying for Selenium with Java)
    2)TestNG (Unit Testing Framework).
    3)ANT (Build tool from Java)
    4)Maven (Build tool from Java)
    5)Log4j for logging purpose.
    6)Version control tools like GIT
    7)Frameworks like Data driven framework, Keyword Driven, Hybrid Framework, Cucumber framework and Page object model(design pattern)
    8)Continuous integration tool like Jenkins

    (In your way of teaching, if you list the things with sequence, why its required, and all that(Just introductory), it will be great)
    Expecting your response! No doubt that Your videos and teaching style are motivating those who always got discouraged by lengthy content, seeing result at very last. For time being , you can write high level details in description, and later you can make an video when you get laptop and bandwidth to post for your future novice learners. Thanks!

  3. Sridhar Ravichandran

    Hi Arul, Thank you on these videos. Much appreciate your effort on this. Your videos are really useful and giving confidence for those who want to start learning automation. Keep up your good work.

  4. Raja

    Though we all know english for communication, its always very important to get the basic understanding clearly and this tamil video will help as its in mother tongue. Just completed watching this video, and about to start next one. BYW, did you miss to explain ‘import’ part in this code? I’ll post my comments after completing all basics and advanced videos again. 🙂

    1. Learn Automation Online

      Thanks a lot for your comments. Yes I will not stop, our channel will cover everything we need to know in automation. We will learn API testing, mobile app testing and so on. In the upcoming series. If u find this useful, share it with your friends. ? Happy learning

  5. priya dharsini

    Very nice sir..i spent rs25000 for automation and for manual class,full of waste….i get confident that i will be strong in automation after completing your classes…..thank you so much???

  6. Shajitha Sathik

    Bro, your motivation for starting this channel, which you described in About field is really awesome. And really you are good teacher. Thank you for coming out and helping people❤️

  7. Subha Shini

    Excellent explanation. 

    I have attended selenium course before but till date nothing went into my head. your simple analogy (pei = selenium) is like – Kili pillaiku solra Maadri but with best clarity and to the point.

    Your Top down approach is what makes us catch to your face and am able to understand best!!!!. 

    Hats Off!! 

    {I wish I had a teacher like you in my college !!. }

    anyway idhuvum nalladhuku dhaan . YouTube la your explanation is available any time. Thanks to your efforts!.

    PS: I got boot error . I tried reinstalling all and setting bash profile. then it worked. please explain setting bash profile also.

  8. Esther Nancy Vincent

    Hi Bro, Just now I am starting to watch your videos to learn selenium. Your way of teaching is very easy to understand and also it will helpful to learn selenium quickly. Thanks Bro…

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