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Selenium Locators – Part 2 |XPath Locator | XPath Functions & Operators

Topics – Selenium Locators – XPath in-detailed
1) What is XPath?
2) What is DOM?
3) Types of XPath ( Abs & Rel)
4) Diff between Abs & Rel xpaths – Syntax
5) How to capture XPaths – extensions for chrome
6) Which XPath is prefered? Why?
7) XPath options
chained xpath

Reference Link/Code Snippet :

#selenium #testing #jbl #taramps #java #audio #bass #caraudio #dynahertz #sound #audiopipe #woofer #audioextremo #python #manualtesting #subwoofer #pioneer #seleniumwebdriver #qualityassurance #soundmagnum #softwaretesting #bomber #automationtesting #qa #superbass #car #alpine #qaengineer #vitaminb #alpiso#extremo #bichopap #qspiders #audiocarzn #compart #tester #jenkins #javascript #development #corejava #sustanon #vitaminc #testautomation #zinc #istqb #qaautomation #jspiders #devops #stetsom #pythoncode #manualtester #javacode #automationengineer #softwaretester #nuvit #roaccutane #software #tzgonzbao #programming #covid



  1. Trahamat Rah

    Thank you for making such detailed videos available online. You go to great lengths to make sure the students understand. The videos are not only comprehensive but interesting as well!!

  2. Nighat Sultana

    Thank you so much for your good effort, all the tutorial is very helpful and easy to understand. I am trying to capture element for DRESSES by using XPath. I created //ul[contains(@class, ‘submenu-container’)]/li[2]/a[@title = ‘Dresses’] this xpath for that element and it says 1 of 1 but it is not capturing the element. Where is the error can you please help me on that?

  3. shivaji288

    Hi Pawan
    I have one query. In my application I have textfield with multiple values where User can enter percent (%) and then list values displayed . Now I want to select the value from list , So how can I achieve this in robot framework.

  4. Manideep Mukka

    Hi, can we open the link using driver.get() in already existed running chrome browser in system.
    Eg: I am already using chrome with gmail, Facebook and with some other pages. Now when I run the selenium code it should open that link in already opened browser instead of taking another seperate window/browser window.
    Please update

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