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Selenium Full Course Tutorial | Selenium Tutorial For Beginners | Selenium Training | Simplilearn

This Selenium full course will help you understand what is Selenium and how it works, Selenium suite of tools, manual testing, Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium installation, APIs in Selenium, Selenium web driver, along with most important Selenium interview questions.

This Selenium Tutorial video has brushed upon the topics in brief and explains the following concepts:
00:01:28 What is Selenium
00:3:15 Challenges of Manual Testing
00:07:57 Advent of Selenium
00:10:44 Selenium Tool Suite
00:30:50 Selenium Versions
00:31:26 Advantages of Selenium Testing
00:34:30 Selenium Installation on Windows
00:52:57 Selenium Installation on Mac
01:13:47 Selenium Automation Framework
01:21:04 Selenium IDE Tutorial
02:58:01 Selenium Webdriver Tutorial
04:02:04 XPath in Selenium WebDriver
04:12:43 Selenium Chrome Driver Tutorial
04:30:39 TestNG Annotations
04:40:49 Page Object Design Pattern
04:52:46 Selenium vs. QTP
04:58:41 Selenium Jobs and Salary
05:00:58 Selenium Interview Questions

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Selenium training has been designed to help developers and manual testers learn how to automate web applications with a robust framework, and integrate it within the DevOps processes of an organization. The course contains a lot of real-life examples and situations to demonstrate how to use Selenium WebDriver effectively. The training starts with a refresher course on core Java concepts and covers the basics of Test Automation and its importance in the industry. The course includes basic as well as advanced concepts of WebDriver and other tools/frameworks like TestNG, Maven, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j. Special focus is given on building a robust framework with Page Object Design Pattern, Data-Driven Approach, and creating reusable components to improve productivity. The course also covers Selenium Grid, which along with TestNG helps achieve parallel execution to improve coverage and reduce execution time for faster feedback. Appium is an open-source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. The course includes a project where you have to create the test automation for an eCommerce application with a framework and reporting.

What are the objectives of this Selenium training course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Revise the core Java concepts which are essential for learning Selenium WebDriver
2. Understand the scope of Test Automation in DevOps and fundamentals of Test Automation
3. Create Test Cases using Selenium IDE – Record and Playback tool
4. Understand Selenium WebDriver architecture and various layers of interaction
5. Set up WebDriver project in Eclipse and write test cases using TestNG
6. Locate elements using various locating techniques
7. Work with various WebDriver commands to drive web browser and various WebElement commands to deal with various web components
8. Learn to deal with various possible scenarios in terms of pop-ups, multiple Windows, frames, taking screenshots
9. Implement Page Object Design Pattern and Data-Driven Testing
10. Understand how to use Maven, ANT, AutoIT, Sikuli, log4j, and listeners
11. Learn to use Selenium Grid with TestNG for parallel execution
12. Execute a project from scratch by building an automation framework and automating a few test scenarios

Who should take this Selenium training course?
The course is ideal for :
1. Test Managers
2. Test Engineers
3. Test Lead
4. Test Analyst
5. QA Engineers
6. Software Developers
7. Engineers who want to learn Automation testing

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  1. Sanjay Kumar

    Hi Team, your trainer is teaching a tool in this video name – ChroPath. I am the founder & creator of ChroPath. I have stopped support on it and it is very much outdated. I would request your trainer to upgrade to new xpath tool SelectorsHub. SelectorsHub is absolutely free. Please pass this information to your trainer and help your student with latest tech, please don’t teach them outdated tools and tech. Many of your students reported this to me. Thank you.

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