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SDET Automation Mock Interview – 8+ YOE (Selenium, Java, API, Testing)

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  1. rahul yadav

    Important points to test when testing API – 1. Response codes 2, Data Sanctity, 3. Error scenarios. 4. Auth tests. 5. Performance tests if any. 6. System integration tests ( if records is created in DB or other record keeping systems).

  2. Nikhil Jain

    Saying “Obviously” for not too obvious things is a No No in an interview. Thanks Naveen for sharing the live interview session and to understand how it feels to be on the other side of interview.

  3. Bhanu Thota

    Very good mock interview, I like her confidence,patience and positivity in taking complicated questions with unnecessary distractions in the back which can disturb anyone.But she stayed strong and gave good & honest answers.

  4. charanjit singh

    Hi Naveen…thanks for this session.
    Could you please also make some sessions on end to end performance testing of web applications in SDLC.
    In my current project, I have been contributing in that space as well.
    But your valueable inputs will really help me.

  5. sameer raj

    Understanding the question and being relevant to the question while answering is also very important in an interview. For example- Exploratory testing, CICD integration among others.. answers to these questions should have been more relevant…

  6. rahul yadav

    Monotlith – Mono means 1, microservices = many. In monolith, there is a single interaction layer – so there will be FE -> BE -> DB ( single BE, which contains the whole service code, and business logic), whereas in microservices, there are separate services catering to different areas of applications.

    1. Naveen Babu

      Monolithic is entire application deployed into each individual servers, micro services is each service we can deployed into multiple services with multiple configurations also. Monolithic debugging is easy, micro services debugging is difficult. In monolithic if any issues occurred in the service we have to fix it and deploy the application into each servers. In micro services if any service fails, after fix that service we can deploy that service only into particular server.

  7. Amit Jain

    One common mistake every one do is not listening carefully , when interviewer said I need 5 imp point for api , just we need to say, I will verify success, fail, response code , response schema validation, authentication is working, etc something which is must , if we ans to the point I personally feel it has very very good impact on interviewer

  8. Abhilash g

    I liked the question at 1:12:39, should be asked in every interview for every team lead. I saw many senior members dont ask juniors regarding clarifications related to frameworks or latest tech. And later they try to blame juniors for the mistake they commit because they have power. Not generalising but what I have observed.

  9. Navathu Tejomai

    Sir your patience when you listen to the candidate is super. Candidate has very Good knowledge in some areas, some she is not able to answer.but kudos to you, you are analizing the candidate is super.?

  10. Shaz Shaz

    Naveen. Im from US and i just want to tell you that u have inspired me so much. I dont have any IT background. I did Literature in university. While studying automation, it was only your language that I could relate to and understand so clearly. You only specify whats important to know and why its important. I recommended ur videos to many of my non-indian friends. They all loved them. I hope I ‘ll be able to meet you someday and thank you for your amazing videos. Always concise and to the point, which is what i was looking for. Your advices are amazing and everything that you suggest and highlight are gems of knowledge. I just recently got an sdet job in a great company with amazing team. It was the first company tht i applied. Will still continue to be charged by ur videos. Take care and God bless.

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