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Run Selenium Test on MS Azure Pipeline || Azure Cloud

In this video, I have explained how to setup MS Azure pipeline and how to run selenium maven testNG test cases on Azure Pipeline.

What is MS Azure
Setup Azure dev ops account
Setup Azure pipeline
Run Selenium test cases on Azure Pipeline using Maven
How to auto trigger test cases after any checkin/PR
How to schedule the pipeline job

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    1. Suresh B

      @Renga Rajan but if we r not using any grid concept.. Does it works fine? I heard many people r facing issues with thread initializtn. So we hve to use multi threading concept.. But I want to try parallel execution without multi threading concept..

  1. Sattyajit Mondal

    Hi Naveen ,
    Thanks for providing a great session .

    It will be very helpful if you can let us know how to take evidence or screenshots and attach screenshot in azure test results .

  2. debayan das

    Hi Naveen Great session. I have few doubts over here.
    1. I have an existing Test NG framework in which test scripts are marked “Y” in excel along with data driven from same excel and executed directly from eclipse. Can I integrate that framework with Devops?

    2. Is this execution is a headless execution as I didn’t see any browser to launch. Also how the screenshots will be captured in this execution?

  3. Mohitendu Parida

    Thanks Naveen for sharing this video. This is really awesome. I was able to integrate BDD in Azure DevOps. But I’m having a challenge to execute multiple scenarios using tags; @smoke/@regression. I’m getting an error as ‘root element is not found on the agent console. We’re using Linux hosted agent to execute the scripts on the pipeline. Could you please share your suggestions?

  4. Dheeraj Gambhir

    Awesome, thanks for the video. In case there is a need where we would like to see our jobs running, we can create Self-hosted agents under Agent pools and use that Agent while configuring our pipeline.

    1. sandeep negi

      while running the tests using self hosted agent we don’t need to use the remote webdriver ? and also how can we run our testcases in a docker container on premise using azure dev ops

    1. Rana India Vlogs

      @sandeep negi Ok.. You have to make ensure the proper access of agent which you can access and install maven, java, firefox and other utilities. in my case my agent is vm and I am able to access vm explicitly where I have made all the configuration to support automated tests execution.

    2. sandeep negi

      @Rana India Vlogs ok understood in my case the build server is acting as an agent and that agent is not having firefox currently I am running tests in firefox also I am not able to build the project since my maven project needs some jars and the build server is not able to access the internet I am in a corporate environment

  5. Khuong TranBuiNgan

    Hi Naveen,
    How can we trigger the selenium automation run when the system has just done deployment with the Azure DevOps pipeline?
    My scenario is having 2 java projects:
    – Developer team is implementing a system in the Rest API project “D1”
    – API automation scripting is implementing in the Maven project “A1” with TestNG
    Expectation: when the “D1” project has just deployed, the “A1” project will be trigging to execute and add the report to pipeline.

  6. Mohitendu Parida

    I was able to create a pipeline for my automation repo in Azure. Thanks Naveen for this nice video. Is there a way to attach the html /pdf reports from Azure and send them through email? I checked couple of options (sendgrid, graph etc) provided in Azure but I couldn’t find them to be useful. Could you please suggest a way to attach the html/pdf reports on the email from azure? Thanks.

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