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Python Tutorial – Python Full Course for Beginners

Python tutorial – Python full course for beginners – Go from Zero to Hero with Python (includes machine learning & web development projects).
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#Python, #MachineLearning, #WebDevelopment

? Supplementary Materials (Spreadsheet):

? Python Exercises for Beginners:

⭐ My Favorite Python Books
– Python Crash Course:
– Automate the Boring Stuff with Python:
– A Smarter Way to Learn Python:
– Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners:
– Hands-on Machine Learning with scikit-learn and TensorFlow:


00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:49 Installing Python 3
00:06:10 Your First Python Program
00:08:11 How Python Code Gets Executed
00:11:24 How Long It Takes To Learn Python
00:13:03 Variables
00:18:21 Receiving Input
00:22:16 Python Cheat Sheet
00:22:46 Type Conversion
00:29:31 Strings
00:37:36 Formatted Strings
00:40:50 String Methods
00:48:33 Arithmetic Operations
00:51:33 Operator Precedence
00:55:04 Math Functions
00:58:17 If Statements
01:06:32 Logical Operators
01:11:25 Comparison Operators
01:16:17 Weight Converter Program
01:20:43 While Loops
01:24:07 Building a Guessing Game
01:30:51 Building the Car Game
01:41:48 For Loops
01:47:46 Nested Loops
01:55:50 Lists
02:01:45 2D Lists
02:05:11 My Complete Python Course
02:06:00 List Methods
02:13:25 Tuples
02:15:34 Unpacking
02:18:21 Dictionaries
02:26:21 Emoji Converter
02:30:31 Functions
02:35:21 Parameters
02:39:24 Keyword Arguments
02:44:45 Return Statement
02:48:55 Creating a Reusable Function
02:53:42 Exceptions
02:59:14 Comments
03:01:46 Classes
03:07:46 Constructors
03:14:41 Inheritance
03:19:33 Modules
03:30:12 Packages
03:36:22 Generating Random Values
03:44:37 Working with Directories
03:50:47 Pypi and Pip
03:55:34 Project 1: Automation with Python
04:10:22 Project 2: Machine Learning with Python
04:58:37 Project 3: Building a Website with Django



  1. Tiandi

    Do not try watching the entire video at once. Limit your watch time from 30 or 60 minutes each day and make sure to participate and understand the code. This will take around a week to complete, but it will save you from feeling like you’re not good enough. Don’t rush yourself. Limit and pay attention!

    EDIT: It also helps if you take notes or take a picture of the final result of the lesson. It is very helpful to look at when you’re away from your computer. If you forget, you have a chance to examine the code and see how and why things work.

    1. SoulTaken

      @dipansh kapoor Only learning python will get you a job and some freelancing but it’s better to always seek to learn more language as other people with much better history and experience in coding will always have higher chance of being hired. I suggest you not only stick with python but rather maximize your profile. Hope this helped 🙂

    2. artiom giza

      @Diego Correa music.csv content:


  2. Rory D

    Wow, I have searched the internet for hours from the top companies google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and all those otherwise you have to pay to learn python, and I have went through all of those the first day or two and nobody teaches it as simple and straightforward and easy as Dr Mosh

    Thank you and please keep up your hard work

  3. Bree Dong

    OMG Mosh I love your courses!!! two months ago I was a Sql rookie and I watch your SQL tutorial. Now I have been able to finish all the easy SQL questions in Leetcode! Thank you Mosh!!! and I believe that I will definitely learn Python well through your tutorial!!!❤️

  4. Saber Algérie

    Thank you very much for this course. The python lessons are so good structured and organised.
    With you we arrive to learn very fast.
    I wish you good luck for further explanation. I appreciate videos for explanation of the data structures.

  5. Camilla Gil

    Hi, Mosh! I’m really loving your course, I’m finally understanding and learning Python. I have one doubt in 2nd car game exercise. When we do the modifications you suggested and write “quit”, the result is no longer “I don’t understand that…”, because the main command became False, right (“while True:” became false)?
    In this case, without making a “bad code”, should we rewrite like this (I marked the changes with an “->” for easy visualization)?

    command = “”
    ->start = 0
    ->stop = 0
    while True:
    command = input(“> “).lower()
    if command == “help”:
    start – to start the car_game
    stop – to stop the car_game
    quit – to exit
    if command == “start”:
    if start == 0:
    print(“Car started… Ready to go!”)
    -> start += 1
    print(“Car is already started!”)
    if command == “stop”:
    if stop == 0:
    print(“Car stopped.”)
    -> stop += 1
    print(“Car is already stopped!”)
    elif command == “quit”:
    print(“I don’t understand that…”)

  6. Abdur Rahman Qureshi

    My goal is to become backend developer after learning this course. This course is very interesting. I appreciate your hard work. After the completion of this course, I will also learn Django from your channel because you explain all the things in a very easy and cool manner. Thank you sir .

  7. TheSnowman

    in case you’re wondering, in the newer versions of python you can multiply an integer by a float.
    I printed the following in python 3.10.4 with no issue:
    print( int(pound_weight) * 0.4535)

  8. Viqar Ahmed Khan

    Great mosh sir,
    What a clear explanation step by step and one after the other. Actually, you did a very great work by making this python tutorial in 6 hours which is very tough task to manage all the contents and concepts in a clear manner for free and This will be very beneficial for us. Hope this 6 hours of tutorial will be very helpful to everyone. Thanks for your valuable 6 hours which will be very very advantageous for ourselves.
    – Viqar Ahmed Khan ( B.tech Student ) – INDIA ❤️

  9. Ravi Mishra

    Here’s the table of content for you. Enjoy!

    00:00:00 Introduction
    00:01:49 Installing Python
    00:06:10 Your First Python Program
    00:08:11 How Python Code Gets Executed
    00:11:24 How Long It Takes To Learn Python
    00:13:03 Variables
    00:18:21 Receiving Input
    00:22:16 Python Cheat Sheet
    00:22:46 Type Conversion
    00:29:31 Strings
    00:37:36 Formatted Strings
    00:40:50 String Methods
    00:48:33 Arithmetic Operations
    00:51:33 Operator Precedence
    00:55:04 Math Functions
    00:58:17 If Statements
    01:06:32 Logical Operators
    01:11:25 Comparison Operators
    01:16:17 Weight Converter Program
    01:20:43 While Loops
    01:24:07 Building a Guessing Game
    01:30:51 Building the Car Game
    01:41:48 For Loops
    01:47:46 Nested Loops
    01:55:50 Lists
    02:01:45 2D Lists
    02:05:11 My Complete Python Course
    02:06:00 List Methods
    02:13:25 Tuples
    02:15:34 Unpacking
    02:18:21 Dictionaries
    02:26:21 Emoji Converter
    02:30:31 Functions
    02:35:21 Parameters
    02:39:24 Keyword Arguments
    02:44:45 Return Statement
    02:48:55 Creating a Reusable Function
    02:53:42 Exceptions
    02:59:14 Comments
    03:01:46 Classes
    03:07:46 Constructors
    03:14:41 Inheritance
    03:19:33 Modules
    03:30:28 Packages
    03:36:22 Generating Random Values
    03:44:37 Working with Directories
    03:50:47 Pypi and Pip
    03:55:34 Project 1: Automation with Python
    04:10:22 Project 2: Machine Learning with Python
    04:58:37 Project 3: Building a Website with Django

  10. Emmanuel Odenyire

    You are a very good tutor. As a Data Engineer, I am looking forward for a tutorial from you which will focus more on Data Engineering, implementing Data Science projects using Python. More specifically, I would wish to learn connection to the data sources using API calls. Thank you so much for these refresher courses

  11. William Jones

    I have to add my ‘Thank you’ to the thousands of thank you’s that you have already received and the thousands still to come. You make the learning easy, fun, and save hundreds of hours of what could be frustrating madness learning to do all of this. I, personally, need it for a college course that I am taking. You have set me up for success and given me confidence that I did not have 2-days ago when my class began. Truly grateful for your time, energy, and selflessness to share what you have spent years mastering. Thank you again, Sir.

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