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Python Tutorial for Beginners – Learn Python in 5 Hours [FULL COURSE]

Python Tutorial for Beginners | Full Python Course | Learn Python in 2022

In this complete Python course you will learn everything you need to get started with Python. ? ?
By the end of this course, you will have a good understanding of the concepts and hands-on experience with several demo projects you can follow along.

Python is the most popular programming language out there and it is used for so many different industries, like: Web Development, Data Science, Machine Learning and DevOps Automation. So learning Python is definitely a good idea! ?

#python #techworldwithnana

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Want to try PyCharm Professional Edition? JetBrains provided me with a 100% discount code! ?
With "PYCHARMFORDEVOPS" you can try PyCharm Professional for 3-month!
► Use this code at:
► Valid until Jun 30, 2021 (extended until Sept 30, 2021)

► Thanks JetBrains for making this course possible! ??
► Check out their all-in-one collaboration solution: Space! Get started for free:

▬▬▬▬▬▬ U S E F U L L I N K S ? ▬▬▬▬▬▬
► GitLab Source Code:
► Inventory.xls file:
► PyCharm Download:
► Python Installation Steps for Windows – Important click "Add to PATH"

▬▬▬▬▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S ⏰ ▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 – Course Intro & Course Overview
2:53 – Introduction to Python
07:01 – Installation and Local Setup with PyCharm
14:10 – Write our first Python program
15:33 – Python IDE vs simple File Editor
19:04 – Strings and Number Data Types
30:11 – Variables in Python
39:33 – Encapsulate Logic with Functions
54:00 – Scope
59:50 – Accepting User Input
1:15:28 – Conditionals (if / else) and Boolean Data Type
1:44:18 – Error Handling with Try / Except
1:50:11 – While Loops
2:02:43 – Lists and For Loops
2:21:51 – Thanks JetBrains!
2:23:17 – Comments in Python
2:27:23 – Sets
2:38:31 – Built-In Functions
2:44:25 – Dictionary Data Type
3:01:32 – Modularize your project with Modules
3:20:09 – Project: Countdown App
3:40:27 – Packages, PyPI and pip
3:54:06 – Project: Automation with Python (Working with Spreadsheets)
4:44:02 – Object Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects
5:14:35 – Project: API Request to GitLab
5:30:23 – Wrap Up

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Want to learn more? ? ▬▬▬▬▬▬
Full Docker course ►
Full K8s course course ►
DevOps Tools, like Terraform ►
GitHub Actions CI/CD ►

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▬▬▬▬▬▬ Courses & Ebooks & Bootcamp ? ▬▬▬▬▬▬
► Become a DevOps Engineer – full educational program ??
► High-Quality and Hands-On Courses ??
► Kubernetes 101 – compact and easy-to-read ebook bundle ??



  1. TechWorld with Nana

    If this course was helpful for you, please leave a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel ? Also check out my complete DevOps bootcamp, if you want to learn more about DevOps Automation with Python: https://bit.ly/3gEwf4V ??

    Link to inventory spreadsheet file: https://gitlab.com/nanuchi/python-programming/-/tree/master/spreadsheet
    Follow me on IG, for behind the scenes content ?: https://www.instagram.com/techworld_with_nana/

    ▬▬▬▬▬▬ S P E C I A L O F F E R ? ▬▬▬▬▬▬
    Want to try PyCharm Professional Edition? JetBrains provided me with a 100% discount code! ?
    With “PYCHARMFORDEVOPS” you can try PyCharm Professional for 3-month!
    ► Use this code at: https://www.jetbrains.com/store/redeem/
    ► Valid until Jun 30, 2021

    ▬▬▬▬▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S ⏰ ▬▬▬▬▬▬
    0:00 – Course Intro & Course Overview
    2:53 – Introduction to Python
    07:01 – Installation and Local Setup with PyCharm
    14:10 – Write our first Python program
    15:33 – Python IDE vs simple File Editor
    19:04 – Strings and Number Data Types
    30:11 – Variables in Python
    39:33 – Encapsulate Logic with Functions
    54:00 – Scope
    59:50 – Accepting User Input
    1:15:28 – Conditionals (if / else) and Boolean Data Type
    1:44:18 – Error Handling with Try / Except
    1:50:11 – While Loops
    2:02:43 – Lists and For Loops
    2:21:51 – Thanks JetBrains!
    2:23:17 – Comments in Python
    2:27:23 – Sets
    2:38:31 – Built-In Functions
    2:44:25 – Dictionary Data Type
    3:01:32 – Modularize your project with Modules
    3:20:09 – Project: Countdown App
    3:40:27 – Packages, PyPI and pip
    3:54:06 – Project: Automation with Python (Working with Spreadsheets)
    4:44:02 – Object Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects
    5:14:35 – Project: API Request to GitLab
    5:30:23 – Wrap Up

    ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Courses & Ebooks & Bootcamp ? ▬▬▬▬▬▬
    ► Become a DevOps Engineer – full educational program ?? https://bit.ly/3gEwf4V
    ► Udemy courses – get biggest discounts here ?? http://bit.ly/2OgvzIO
    ► Kubernetes 101 – compact and easy-to-read ebook bundle ?? https://bit.ly/3mPIaiU

    1. txcs43vr

      @Ernesto Q good stuff should be free
      If you liked it make a donation
      That’s how you make the world a better place
      Appreciate people hard work and contribute
      I hate to pay for stuff and find out it’s a waste of time or a piece of junk.

  2. Greg F

    ??‍?Today is graduation day! ? Thank you so much for your time and effort in delivering this wonderfully developed course Nana. The practical concepts presented here point me in the right direction for my intended project. Specifically, the openpyxl automation exercise and spreadsheet manipulation/extraction functions are particularly relevant to my needs. A new view on OOP, class & object structure and the module/package material really has my mind churning. I have a lot of data to process and I need database integration. Your course has made clear to me how I need to structure both database and automated Python data handling to make that happen. Classes and objects! I’ve never thought of database tables as classes or columns/db fields as objects but structurally they are remarkably similar. This is going to save a lot of time and effort and I’m looking forward to checking out your other material and projects soon. Sincerely: THANK YOU! ??

  3. Mahesh Dolas

    The course is put with great detailing, Structured very well & easy to understand. creating the content for coding for 5 hours is really a great effort and make the community learn the code. Well done , your all contents on coding are awesome. Appreciated for all your efforts . Thank you!

  4. Marina Boyko

    This is the first time in my life I was able to sustain 5-hour course without getting bored or confused. Huge like for good explanations and all the effort that was put in this video!

  5. André McKay

    Thank you Nana, this was an excellent tutorial and I especially appreciate the effort you make to define jargon, key terms, and acronyms that many other tutorials simply assume the audience already knows. Much appreciated!

    1. Zeynal Hajili

      @Plank I watched Zero to Hero Bootcamp from Udemy but did not enjoy it, to be honest, he was explaining the content in a very difficult way. I remember project1 was extremely difficult for beginners at all.I am not sure about this course .

  6. Brian Simpson

    As a hobby coder, I found this tutorial very interesting and helped me to understand certain concepts that I had previously found challenging. The explanation’s were easily understandable, and relevent. Appreciate the time and effort you must have spent producing this tutorial, thank you.

  7. symesko

    Thank you Nana for this awesome introduction to Python. After learning some C++ in engineering school, this course was a really nice way to learn a different programming language. Pretty sure I’ve learned more in the 5.5 hours here than I did the 3 months there!

  8. milinda backup1

    it is amazing course, I go through the entire five and half hours with hands on practices, thank you Nana for your content. they are really easy to understand because you present them really understandable way.

  9. Pamela Helm

    This is amazing.. I’m currently learning software development through self learning platform which appears archaic, however watching this is helping me greatly. I have a Python exam to sit next week and this is helping me understand the basics of Python in small increments so thank you.

  10. SK Astro

    This course is amazing! It flows well and is exciting and interesting whereas many other Python trainings I have tried to do is like watching paint dry. Thankyou so much for putting it together ❤

  11. Velin

    This course is amazing! It flows well and is exciting and interesting whereas many other Python trainings I have tried to do is like watching paint dry. Thankyou so much for putting it together ❤

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