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Python In Telugu For Beginners | Python Complete Course In Telugu | Python In Telugu | Suresh Techs

Teaching Notes – Complete Python Course
C Full Course:

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Python In Telugu For Beginners | Python Complete Course In Telugu | Python In Telugu

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? HTML Full course Telugu:

0:00 – Introduction
01:33 – What is Programming, Who Invented Python, Python Programming?
11:09 – Python Installation
18:26 – Internal working after submitting a program to computer
36:44 – Python Interview on 1,2,3 chapters
40:20 – Python keywords identifiers
55:07 – Python Statements Indentation Comments
01:10:24 – Python Variables & Constants
01:31:52 – Python Interview from 5,6, and 7 Chapters
01:34:26 – Namespace Scope
01:53:36 – Input Output
02:32:02 – Python operators
03:18:43 – Python Interview questions from 9,10 and 11 chapters
03:24:14 – Datatypes
05:49:02 – Control Flows
07:13:50 – Interview questions on Data Types, Control Flows
07:22:32 – Functions
08:25:49 – Python OOPS(All Concepts)
09:58:58 – Exception handling
10:25:28 – File handling
10:52:41 – Review, Program Flow, Using main function
Chapters Overview:
Chapter 1:
What is programming? What is programming language? What is python programming language and who invented python programming language?

Chapter 2:
Install Python in windows, mac and Linux systems

Chapter 3:
How to use Python IDLE to write programs and execute the same. How to write your first python program in Python IDLE? What happens internally once submits a program for execution?

Chapter 4:
Will talk about commonly asked python programming interview questions in first three chapters(What is python programming, Install Python, Write first program in python)

Chapter 5:
Keywords and Identifiers is one of the most important concept in python. Keywords are the words that are reserved for specific use. We can't use keywords for other purposes. Identifier is the name given to identify a variable, class, function etc.

Chapter 6:
Statements, Indentation and Comments

Chapter 7: Variables are used to store data, it occupies some space in the memory when you declare a variable and they can be changed at any time. You need to remember certain conditions while declaring variables.

Chapter 8: Let's look few commonly asked interview questions from chapter 5,6 and 7

Chapter 9: Namespace and scope
Namespace: Unique name for each and every object
Scope: Scopes restrict using same variables in a single scope.

Chapter 10: Input and output is again one of the very important concept in Python. input() is the function used to take inputs from user and where as print() is the function used to display output.
We will talk each and every minute detail about input and output.

Chapter 11: Operators are used to perform various operations on values and variables. There are five different operators that we will look into.

Chapter 12: Most commonly asked questions from last three chapters

Chapter 13: Data type defines the type of the data. Built-In data types are the data types provided by default.

Chapter 14: Control flows helps in controlling the flow of the program. We will discuss about if, if else, if else if ladder, shorthand if else, for loop, while loop.

Chapter 15: Interview Questions

Chapter 16: Functions are used to group specific statements together for reusability. Functions again is one of most important concept in python.

Chapter 17: OOPS(Object oriented programming). Will talk about class, object, creating objects, self, constructors, types of constructors, class and instance variables, destructor, inheritance, types of inheritance, super keyword, access modifiers, polymorphism

Chapter 18: Exception handling is used handle syntax and runtime errors. We will discuss about try, except, else, finally to handle unexpected erros in the program.

Chapter 19: We will discuss about creating, modifying and deleting files. We use certain access modes to perform operations on files.

Chapter 20: Program execution starts from top of the program from the line where indentation is 0. If you want to specify the entry point from a specific function/place in the program we can use special variable __name__

Reference tags:
Python Tutorial For Beginners
Python Tutorial
Python For Beginners,
Python Full Course,
Python Programming,
python Projects,
Python For Beginners In Telugu,
Python Interview Questions,
Python For Data Science,
Python Telugu,
Python Telugu Tutorials

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  1. Suresh techs

    Please ? suggest this course to freshers who are looking for a job.
    Course Overview:
    ? Chapter 1:
    What is programming? What is programming language? What is python programming language and who invented python programming language?

    ? Chapter 2:
    Install Python in windows, mac and Linux systems

    ? Chapter 3:
    How to use Python IDLE to write programs and execute the same. How to write your first python program in Python IDLE? What happens internally once submits a program for execution?

    ? Chapter 4:
    Will talk about commonly asked python programming interview questions in first three chapters(What is python programming, Install Python, Write first program in python)

    ? Chapter 5:
    Keywords and Identifiers is one of the most important concept in python. Keywords are the words that are reserved for specific use. We can’t use keywords for other purposes. Identifier is the name given to identify a variable, class, function etc.

    ? Chapter 6:
    Statements, Indentation and Comments

    ? Chapter 7: Variables are used to store data, it occupies some space in the memory when you declare a variable and they can be changed at any time. You need to remember certain conditions while declaring variables.

    ? Chapter 8: Let’s look few commonly asked interview questions from chapter 5,6 and 7

    Chapter 9: Namespace and scope
    Namespace: Unique name for each and every object
    Scope: Scopes restrict using same variables in a single scope.

    ? Chapter 10: Input and output is again one of the very important concept in Python. input() is the function used to take inputs from user and where as print() is the function used to display output.
    We will talk each and every minute detail about input and output.

    ? Chapter 11: Operators are used to perform various operations on values and variables. There are five different operators that we will look into.

    ? Chapter 12: Most commonly asked questions from last three chapters

    ? Chapter 13: Data type defines the type of the data. Built-In data types are the data types provided by default.

    ? Chapter 14: Control flows helps in controlling the flow of the program. We will discuss about if, if else, if else if ladder, shorthand if else, for loop, while loop.

    ? Chapter 15: Interview Questions

    ? Chapter 16: Functions are used to group specific statements together for reusability. Functions again is one of most important concept in python.

    ? Chapter 17: OOPS(Object oriented programming). Will talk about class, object, creating objects, self, constructors, types of constructors, class and instance variables, destructor, inheritance, types of inheritance, super keyword, access modifiers, polymorphism

    ? Chapter 18: Exception handling is used handle syntax and runtime errors. We will discuss about try, except, else, finally to handle unexpected errors in the program.

    ? Chapter 19: We will discuss about creating, modifying and deleting files. We use certain access modes to perform operations on files.

    ? Chapter 20: Program execution starts from top of the program from the line where indentation is 0. If you want to specify the entry point from a specific function/place in the program we can use special variable __name__
    All The Best Family

  2. Revanth Sr

    4:18:14 Lists [ ]
    4:49:00 Tuple ( )
    5:02:56 Boolean True,False
    5:06:46 Set
    5:49:18 Control Flow Statements
    6:19:10 For loop
    6:59:52 While loop
    7:22:34 Functions
    8:44:46 Creating Object
    8:58:54 Constructor (__init__)
    9:14:02 Destructor (__del__)
    9:17:30 Inheritance
    9:43:50 Encapsulation

  3. Çhëtåñ Rêddy

    I recommend this video for new python beginners, blindly you can choose ’cause his explanation is like crystal clear?. I had watched soo many videos on programming but they just blown my data but this video is Really helpful ,Im a beginner to python after completing this video I don’t know how I memorised all those syntaxes in one week, great vlog with great effort ♥.

  4. Krishna Prasad

    Thank you Bro! your videos are very much helpful. I think I have selected right channel for learning Python and more. Explanation is awesome. Keep it up bro. Appreciate if you could make python videos for Linux System Administration and DevOps automation as well. Thanks in advance

  5. Raja Pratap Pedapudi

    This is really a great video for who want to have a firm knowledge and grip on python. Your teaching is fully helped me to learn basics of python and has built more confidence. Thank you so much bro for your tremendous effort and it is much appreciated.

  6. Thanmayi Thanu

    This video is really very help for beginners your teaching is fully helped me to learn basics of python and has built more confidence thank you so much for the course and your detailed explanation…… Hats off to your patience brother..

  7. Karun Uttaradi

    The content explained in this video is simple and easy to understandng.
    Thank you Suresh for such a good explanation.
    Hope for more videos.
    A request as a follower of your channel,
    Plase post video on MS- Excel also.

  8. KB Prasad

    Thanks, Suresh for the Awesome Video for us!!
    Most of the students want to learn Python from the Telugu States. However, You helped them a lot.
    Hopefully, we expect more videos in Python in terms of real-time scenarios from you. ?

  9. Keerthi Kaparthi

    Hi Anna, really really thank you so much for uploading this video it helped a lot to me before i was very scared of programming but now because of your teaching im really involving myself into programming and slowly loving it thank you so much anna really make more videos for sure you will be in a good position very soon 🙂

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