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Pointers In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #26

In this series of C programming tutorial videos, I have explained you everything you need to know about C language. I hope you are enjoying this C course in Hindi.
►This C Lecture is a part of this C Programming Course:
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  1. Kshitij Shekhar

    Important to note:
    int *ptr = &a;
    is same as
    int *ptr;
    ptr=&a; //Yes, it’s ptr not *ptr, *ptr is a dereferencing operator and will return an error because ptr doesn’t yet have a value here

  2. Muhammad Adil Khalil

    Thank you so much Harry for such a fantastic explanation of pointers! You are far better than most of the university teachers as you know the art of transforming difficult topics to easy ones… Thumbs up ???…!!! From Pakistan…!

  3. Kuch Alag Gyan

    Sir, Thank you for clearing my doubts but can u provide me a question bank on this topic (Pointer). I want to practice 1000 questions related to a pointer. I don’t want to lose my concept.

  4. Muhammad Usman

    nice explanation! you are the best !

    I have copied the comment of Muhammad Adil Khalil because i have the same feeling
    Thank you so much Harry for such a fantastic explanation of pointers! You are far better than most of the university teachers as you know the art of transforming difficult topics to easy ones… Thumbs up ???…!!! From Pakistan…!

  5. Mahwish Noor

    Bro ur efforts are much much beyond than just a small praise or a note of thanks…Words aren’t enough to explain the joy that we all leaners get through your videos with such ease and comprehensible language . THANK YOU!! 🙂 GOD BLESS U!
    It’s simply like any doubt in any of the portions , I simply search for :- CODE WITH HARRY as a first preference. Honestly! Lots of warm wishes and deepest regards….<3

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