Photoshop Advanced Tutorial
Photoshop Advanced Tutorial
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Start 0:00
Introduction 0:03
Customizing Photoshop 1:50
Advanced Layer Management 22:15
Blending Modes 32:27
Layer Comps 40:34
Working with Shapes and Vectors 51:01
Advanced Type Techniques 1:06:16
3D Text 1:19:13
Advanced Selection Using Paths 1:33:40
Smart Radius and Selecting Hair 1:41:52
Gradient Mask 1:45:25
Lens Flare 1:59:06
Frames 2:04:32
Trees 2:09:37
Vanishing Point 2:15:09
Distort 2:21:24
Filter Displacement Map 2:30:37
Camera RAW Filter 2:38:43
Actions 2:58:23
Conclusion 3:08:49
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Once again, thank you, Learnit. Excellent course. And Dave’s courses are top notch as always.
after some years with no practice on photoshop, I start again with your lessons and was very helpful for me! Thank you!
Are you going to publish more photoshop videos?
This tutorial is really amazing! Learnt a lot about photoshop. The instructor explains everything perfectly and understandable.
for beginners …..but, its not advanced, in fact its 3hrs. 2long
You’re very welcome!
Thanks for the video – excellent.
I have one question. At 2:08:20, having produced a picture frame, you mention that you can change the frame. You show that you simply click again on the menu Filter/Render/Picture frame. I have tried this, altering the size and colour. However, when I click OK I get a second frame, rather than my initial frame changing. I cannot find anywhere a control to choose to ‘Update’ or ‘Replace’. Any idea what I might be doing wrong or overlooking?
I did not know about the snipping tool until this video…EXCELLENT. Just what I needed. Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
I did not know about the snipping tool until this video…EXCELLENT. Just what I needed. Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
This tutorial is gold. Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
Sir, may I know which version did you used for this tutorial. Is it 2021 version or any other one..
I love how organized this is
Thank you for watching!
Quick question, when using layer comps, I have two different layer comps
1) Green Banner (Top)
2) Green Banner (Bottom)
When I move the headline to the bottom on my “Green Banner (Bottom),” it also changes the “Green Banner (Top)’s” headline position to the bottom. How can I fix that? Thank you so much! So far I’m loving this course!
EDIT: Apparently it’s a bug. Instead of using the keyboard shortcut “CTRL + T” use the Move Tool. That way it registers it on the layer comp.
Thanks for the heads up! Also thank you for watching!
Awesome and very very useful. Watching all of your tutorials as it uploads…. I just want to ask about Adobe premier pro…?
Soon Basit!
Dude by far this is better that at least 80% of the even paid courses other photographers make and they don’t have any idea of what they are talking about. 300% percent positive feedback for this and the beginner’s course. And 1 000 000 thanks for making this available to all of us :). The only thing I’d like to be covered in more depth (maybe in a future video?) is the difference between the Hue/Saturation and the Vibrance adjustments. In particular, how they can accomplish what they actually do? Do they use different color spaces? Such kind of questions are blowing my mind 🙂 But in general, both the beginners and advanced courses are amaaaaaaaaaaziiiiinggggg. Fantastic job 🙂
Glad you enjoyed it!
This is a very rich resource. I’ll be looking at your intro course first followed by this advanced session. I’m still using version CS5. Are your tutorials applicable to earlier versions?
bruh, Why don’t you just upgrade to CC?
@Tarun Lakhera i think it’s because their device
Please update the download link of exercise files and manuals, Thank You. ?
Hi Neeraj! We just tested the link and it seems to working currently!
good tutoral so far. like other comments on here said, thank you for going through tools and things describing what they do. it took a long time to find tutorials that do that. i had a long well known history of hating photoshop because of their own lingo and varius other unstandard crap, and most tuts just basically show you how to duplicate what the guy on the video is doing, but when you want to work on your own photo, you dont know what youre doing because you dont know what adobe is calling the tool you want, or if you stumble appon it, how it works.
also i found the ammount of times you said take ownership of photoshop, in the beginning, hilarious. nobody owns it, we are just renting it (i do know what you meant by that, though). unless you pirate it. <----- just gonna leave that there. dont forget to like and subscribe to get more of my life tips like that well 1/3 in and wow, the fact that you show other options, for example, the vector segment when you showed another place where you can change the amount of points the star has after the initial placement, that was wonderful. this is what i was saying initially, you show other ways of getting what the user wants, thats what is missing from most tuts. and thank you for limiting the amount of keyboard shortcuts, some of us from back in the day, despise shortcuts. its awesome that you show us where in the menu where what we are looking for is. i dont recall you begging for likes or subscribing either, so im pretty sure i will. begging for it especially in the beginning is automatic no like or sub from me. so far its been an absolute pleasure watching and learning from your video
Glad you enjoyed it!
This is one of the best courses I found on YouTube. I finished it and saved it for reference.
Very interesting and inspiring. You can learn a lot. I recommend.
Glad you think so!
hey i have learned a lot from your tutorial but selecting that dog with lasso tool and then converting shape in to path and after that adjusting the anchor points is one of the most time consuming and i dont think its a right method to it but with pen tool it would have been very easy and quick … thanks .
You are very welcome!
This is one of the best courses I found on YouTube.did both courses on the same day, wow i never knew how great photoshop is,well done again David excellent once again.
This tutorial is really amazing! Learnt a lot about photoshop. The instructor explains everything perfectly and understandable.
i like
Glad it was helpful!