Lecture Series on Programming and Data Structure by Dr.P.P. Chakraborty, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit
I have gone through these lectures twice and found these very useful. I am from EE dept (IITK) so Data structure was quite new to me but these lectures helped me understand DS in depth. Thanks Sir
19:08 sir this I have never thought why we used & in the scanf function, but because of you I know now why, because of pass by reference , we can’t change value of any argument if we don’t use address reference.
Most compilers implicitly return 0 from main, however this is only guaranteed for compilers which follow the C99 standard. Either way I agree its better style to “return 0;”
I have gone through these lectures twice and found these very useful. I am from EE dept (IITK) so Data structure was quite new to me but these lectures helped me understand DS in depth. Thanks Sir
Even students learning now finds these lectures helpful ?
Great lecture and simple to grasp.
Sir you are doing a great job! & thank you very much
Thanks Sir for giving very interesting and informative lecture..
Dr. Surender
Assistant Professor
S.K.Govt. College, Kanwali (Rewari) Haryana
Best lecture video with clear aspects.
Thank you sir..
Great lecture and simple to grasp.
Excellent explanation sir..
Great lecture and easy to grasp.
Best lecture video with clear aspects.
19:08 sir this I have never thought why we used & in the scanf function, but because of you I know now why, because of pass by reference , we can’t change value of any argument if we don’t use address reference.
Thanks for very informative lectures
Thanku sir for essential lecture on “C Programming”
Most compilers implicitly return 0 from main, however this is only guaranteed for compilers which follow the C99 standard. Either way I agree its better style to “return 0;”
data structure nicely explained
there is a sound problem in these videos,sir i am from kashmir and i am very fond of listening iit lectures,please solve this problem
Also, after you paste the link into the address bar. there will be extra symbols: %C2%AD6
Just remove these and replace them with a 6 and make sure the link is the same as the one I have given you.
nice presentation sir
Nice presentation sir
Useful lecture on “C Programming”