Learn Tamil While You Sleep ? Most Important Tamil Phrases and Words ? English/Tamil (8 Hours)
How to learn Tamil? Learn Tamil while you sleep. This video features the most important basic Tamil words and phrases that teach grammar automatically. They are especially useful for the beginning student of this South Asian Language of India and Sri Lanka.
Audio in English and Tamil
To use just play the video before sleeping…
If you want to really learn Tamil, the best way is to listen and speak the most common Tamil phrases as often and as accurately as possible. If you want to learn Tamil well, these videos will help you do that. And doing it in a relaxed way is even better!!!!
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The idea is to be in as relaxed or calm a state as possible. Put on headphones if you need to. Best time is the right before you go to bed. The brain is supposedly more receptive in that relaxed state.
The plan: listen to this as often as possible until the words and phrases are natural to you, that you don't even need to think to say them.
These phrases can be used mainly for the first encounters. What do you say to people who you don't know at all or don't know very well? Those phrases.
My name is Evan (eko). Happy learning.
Let me know if you want to learn anything specific. 🙂
"Untold Depths" by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
learn tamil
learn tamil through english
Proud to be a tamilan
Most beautiful language on earth for me! But it’s so hard to pronounce it right ?
Everyone’s mother tongue is beautiful for them . All languages are beautiful only.
I love tamil language ??
No bro In this video they are using formal Tamil sentences so It looks hard if u start to practice informal words u can learn easily
Very true
Can I teach you
this is the best enunciation I have heard in tamil learning videos. all the syllables are properly pronounced, and it is clear where one word ends and another begins.
I am learning Tamil right now, and this would be impossible for someone who stutters ?
Vanakkam Tamilians ???
you can do it, just keep working at it!! 🙂
@Thiru mukilan is your username same?
@Reema insta
@Thiru mukilan how?
I wish you could teach the colloquial Tamil. Nobody talks like this any more. This is way more formal
Its okay to be speak in formal. We tamilans respect and understand you.
Yet they always respect this ❤️
its sounds something good. I enjoyed hearing tamil
Hello, this is great and very helpful. Please have the ads removed from the beginning as it sometimes is very troublesome ????????
I come from Indonesia ..and live at Chennai right now. ..I learn how to speak Tamil but still it difficult to my tongue. .
@Pooja Lakhapati ? I want to learn Tamil . I need Tamil speaking patner
@Raj ok
good luck !! i believe in you !! 🙂
Yes.but u keep doing regularly.. u will be excellent.
Most beautiful language on earth.
French or Latin have nothing on Tamil or it poetry
@FireWithin CosmosaicS.E.A I agree, French and the other romance languages don’t strike me as romantic or anything. I learned French and speak it still, but it doesn’t touch me as other languages do.
It’s just my opinion.
As I have always heard that French is the language of love, but in my opinion it doesn’t touch my soul as much asTamil has..
I learned French too. Don’t need to demean others, can just appreciate them all
@Khn ls French is very nice to speak but the grammar and they way to write it is incredibly hard.
We don’t use this as daily phrases..? (I’m from Tamil Nadu)
True bro
Then what u used
Magic and ancient language
Exactly… That’s my language (Tamil) peculiarity…
This is amazing! Thank you so much!
Damnn, though I know Marathi and sanksrit, some pronoucations are so hard ,I’m trying to learn Tamil on my own for many years , I hope this will be really helpful
Hi guys
You are learning tamil
But,me learning english ??
I am also ??
Me to ???
I am fluent in both!!
can you speak a little bit slower it’s like tongue twister ?I want to learn this language ??
@Grace Aruna J dear I am from Trichy. I told this for others who want to learn our language. We should make it easier for them
@Mannangatti Training Centre It’s funny to hear (I mean it’s my mother language)
Yeah. Its little faster. And its very formal
Tonque twister?!¿…… It’s funny to hear that,,, bcoz I am from tamil nadu and I know to speak it fluently
தெளிவான உச்சரிப்பு கம்பீரமான தமிழ்க் குரல்! தங்களின் தமிழ் சேவைக்கு என் பாராட்டுக்கள்!
I’m going to India soon, so this will be very helpful .
Really very helpful me to learn tamil easily
Actually l am so much so much impressed by Tamil music video(art and original tunes, ofcourse, not those contemplations) for years after years, l should learn Tamil for love only.
Thank you a million. Im trying to learn tamil and it’s so difficult as I speak English only.
Now I feel i will be able to with this a little bit everyday.?
hi wer u from