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Learn Tamil past tense practical.Through English.(Practical)

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  1. Mary V K

    Village Manjoor, Kerala.
    Date: 9th March 2021
    I am Thomas V. A. and a Keralite. My mother tongue is Malayalam. I had a chance to
    live with Tamilians in Bangalore in 1957 when I was 18, and learned to speak it by hearing them speak. I lost touch with Tamil afterwards, till now.
    Now I am in Bangalore again after a gap of 64 years on a visit to my children working here. I
    watched your video and got attracted to Tamil again at the age of 82. I love and respect Tamil more than any other language.

    Hope you will put more Tamil lessons. Your teaching is excellent.
    Thank you
    Thomas V. A.

  2. Ninad Buch

    Respected Sir,
    This video is very well explained & easy to understand but can you please let me know that where are other similar videos in which you have taught Tamil grammar through English as I am unable to find it on your channel. Kindly help.

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