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Learn Python In Tamil | Complete Python Tutorial in One Video Tamil

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Tutor Joes Computer Education,Salem
Contact : +91 90430 17689

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#tutorjoes #tamil #tjcpython

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00:00:00 Welcome to Python Complete Tamil Tutorial
00:03:45 Introduction of Python
00:08:40 Compiler Vs Interpreter
00:13:49 Python Software Installation
00:20:29 Anaconda Python Software Installation
00:28:40 How to Change Spyder Theme
00:30:30 What is Variables in Python
00:33:29 Basic Program in Python
00:35:49 What is id and type in Python
00:38:09 Run Python in Online
00:40:29 Run Python Using Notepad++ or Vs Code
00:50:12 Keywords in Python
00:54:08 Getting Inputs in Python
01:00:18 Multiple Inputs in Single Line Python
01:03:56 Multiline String in Python
01:05:12 Getting Multiline Input in Python
01:13:17 Pycharm installation in Python
01:18:35 Single and Multiline Comment in Python
01:20:58 Type Casting in Python
01:26:30 String and String Functions in Python
01:40:48 String Manipulation in Python
01:44:05 Arithmetic operators in Python
01:46:28 Assignment operators in Python
01:49:28 Comparison operators in Python
01:52:37 Logical operators in Python
01:56:06 Bitwise operators in Python
02:08:47 IF Statement in Python
02:12:06 IF ELSE Statement in Python
02:15:17 ELIF Statement in Python
02:21:27 Nested IF Statement in Python
02:27:48 While Loop in Python
02:31:06 Continue Statement in Python
02:32:39 Break Statement in Python
02:33:56 Range in Python
02:37:58 For Loop in Python
02:41:18 Nested For Loop in Python
02:50:59 While Else & For Else in Python
02:54:25 List and Its Function in Python
03:14:17 Tuples and Its Function in Python
03:25:53 Sets and Its Function in Python
03:42:17 Dictionaries and Its Function in Python
03:51:33 Identity operators in Python
03:54:34 Membership operators in Python
03:56:23 Functions in Python
03:57:35 No Return Type Without Argument Function in Python
03:59:50 No Return Type With Argument Function in Python
04:01:17 Return Type Without Argument Function in Python
04:02:37 Return Type With Argument Function in Python
04:03:39 Arbitrary Arguments Function in Python
04:05:42 Keyword Arguments Function in Python
04:07:38 Arbitrary Keyword Arguments in Python
04:09:31 Default Parameter Function in Python
04:10:47 Passing a List as an Argument in Function Python
04:12:14 Recursion Function in Python
04:16:32 Lambda Functions in Python
04:18:03 Date Time Functions in Python
04:29:25 Maths Functions in Python
04:34:00 try block in Python
04:36:22 try else block in Python
04:37:42 Finally Block in Python
04:38:58 Type of Exceptions in Python
04:46:28 Handling Multiple Exceptions in Python
04:48:35 Class and Object in Python
04:55:14 Class Attributes in Python
05:04:27 Instance Attributes in Python
05:09:37 Class Method in Python
05:13:57 Instance Method in Python
05:17:31 __init__ Method in Python
05:22:21 Property Decorator in Python
05:27:46 Property Decorators Getter Setter in Python
05:35:51 Property Method in Python
05:37:29 Class Method Decorator in Python
05:41:41 Static Method in Python
05:46:00 Abstraction and Encapsulation in Python
05:56:54 Single Inheritance in Python
06:00:32 Multiple Inheritance in Python
06:04:26 Multilevel Inheritance in Python
06:06:20 Function Overriding in Python
06:10:29 Handling Diamond Problem in Python
06:13:53 Operator Overloading in Python
06:18:19 Abstract Base Class in Python
06:23:28 Open a File in Python
06:28:50 Read a File Using readLine in Python
06:32:08 looping through the lines in Python
06:33:25 Write to an Existing File in Python
06:35:19 Append Mode File in Python
06:36:26 Delete a File in Python
06:39:26 SQLite Browser installation
06:41:36 Creating Database and Table in SQLite Database
06:44:59 Crud Introduction in Python SQLite
06:50:49 SQLite Database Connection String in Python
06:52:04 Insert data in SQLite Database in Python
06:56:22 Update data in SQLite Database in Python
07:00:01 Delete Data in SQLite Database in Python
07:01:47 Select All Data in SQLite Database in Python
07:04:06 Crud Python MySQL
07:39:24 Flask Project With MySQL
08:37:10 Tkinter Project in Python MySQL



  1. Jahan Sai

    sir, I am a biology student. I have watched many python tutorials but this is the only tutorial which made me more enthusiastic about coding and me understand a lot!!. Thank you for providing such quality content for free. Thank you joes sir

    1. Naraendira.S

      @Itz-a me, Mario! ??Yep medical companies need moleculas structure modelling to predict and Create new drugs and medicines for that need to use machine learning and data science + auto cad like molecular reacting simulation tools to implement these need chemistry knowledge

    2. Itz-a me, Mario!

      Buddy I am 30 working as a machine learning engineer earning around 1 lakh… There are many chemistry based company that’s desperately looking for people with both chemistry and Python knowledge… If I had chemistry knowledge I would be making 10 lakhs right now. ? Soo i am trying to learn chemistry now…

  2. Antony xavier

    Hi Sir, Your explanation is good and pushing me to watch the complete video. Thank you for that.
    In the duration of 6:17:55, you mentioned the supported Magic Method Lists. Could you please tell us, How do we get the Magic Method lists in python?.

  3. Syed Iejas

    Completed upto 6:36:26 , Only database part is remaining, It has been amazing 5 days of learning Python in Tamil.

    Expecting future tutorials from Python libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Probability and Statistics for Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

    DSA for Python and C,C++

    JavaScript and MERN Stack tutorials.

  4. Naresh Shiva

    Hello Sir, I really like the topics being covered in this course and want to learn. Do you happen to have an English version of it since I cannot understand Tamil?
    If not could you please recommend any other video that covers these topics? Thanks in advance!

  5. ?? ???

    Sir I studied python at 12th
    But I don’t know about to execute even single basic program
    But this video helped me a lot than my school teaching …it’s real sir….
    Thank u so muchhhh♥️


    First of all Thank you For teaching this course in tamil .. ? I learned lot of things through this course and your way of Teaching and presentation was too good ..Thank you sir for giving an opportunity to Learn Python Course .. We Expect more python and programming videos from you sir..please do and keep doing sir…..Thank you

  7. Ruthralingam sampathkumar

    Sir, Thank you for this video. Very big effort from you in bringing such a video. I have watched first 5 hours of video. Very well explained that too in Tamil. Wonderful. Laudable work. You are doing big service to Tamil language and to budding programmers. God bless you.

  8. Athavan T

    i went a python course in nearyby institute , they teach one month using w3schools but i cant understand ,,,, but i took 3 days to watch this vedio iam now confident in python…

  9. SalaiTech

    Hi, Joe’s…Thanks for your video. I’m learning a python course from this video. It’s very useful for understanding our native language. Kindly request to post a video for Data Science. It would be very helpful for all learners. Please do it asap.

  10. kallaar kathir

    Hi Stanely sir! Thanks for your continued effort. Can you please tell me where can I get the sample programs? I am learning Flask for the first time and it would be helpful if I can have the program you used in the video. thanks.

    1. kallaar kathir

      @Tutor Joe’s Stanley The sample code given in the webpage is different sir. I want to know how the below code will work.
      mysql = MySQL(app)

      I am getting below error.
      mysql = MySQL(app) # This is the mysql object from the mysql.connecter class we imported above.

      TypeError: ‘module’ object is not callable

  11. UDHAYA VANI P SEC 2020

    Sir, can u plse upload a video with uncovered topics like numpy, pandas and so on ?plse..if yes,it will be greatly helpful for us. Apart from that u have done a great job❤

  12. Fahim Hussain

    Dear Bro,
    This is syed here from singapore.
    I have purchased lots of python courses from various online learning portals like, udemy,courseera,datacamp etc…
    But none of them were worth it , to be honest , you have covered almost all the topics in python for free and way of your presentation was amazing !
    keep it up bro ! I have really impressed about your videos and subscribed your channel .Also I am going to refer this videos to my colleagues and friends as well.

  13. Mr. Motivation

    You are great..
    You are serving Tamil community..
    Hats off to u..
    I believe you will have better reach in case you go for multiple languages
    I have been seeing your videos as a beginner and enthusiast
    May connect you at any time

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