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Learn Japanese While Sleeping 8 Hours – Learn ALL Basic Phrases

Are you ready to learn Japanese while sleeping 8 hours? Binaural beats are specifically meant for sleep learning. Also get your free Kanji eBook to learn when not sleeping:
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You asked for this long version, here it is! In this video, we use advanced binaural beats to help you learn the Japanese language. The video features the 25 most useful phrases in Japanese. Listen to this as you go to sleep and leave on while you sleep for the greatest effects. The binaural beats we use in this video will enhance your learning abilities — and it may even help you sleep better!

Sleep-aided learning functions more like a support system to the waking brain—reinforcing knowledge but not substituting your daytime study hours.
You won't learn Japanese by ONLY watching this video, but it will help you through passive learning.

Music: www.bensound.com

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  1. Jason Little

    For people who don’t know, if you are currently learning a new language then listening to audio of that language (like this video for example) will speed up the process and will make learning it go a bit smoother as well. No you won’t learn new words in your sleep, it’ll just make learning while your awake a bit faster and smoother

    1. Jazikyu

      @Heiko Fennec duo lingo is pretty bad for learning Japanese if you use it on its own anyways. Definitely try watching shows without subtitles, listening to JPN radio and as long as you can get hiragana down, get the book “Minna No Nihongo”. It’s completely in Japanese (with breakdowns of kanji in hiragana) but its amazing to boost your learning
      I hope you succeed!

    1. H u h

      I’m glad you’re learning! Though if you want to speak Japanese in a natural sounding way, I’d recommend not using too many textbooks or apps like duolingo, since learning from them makes your Japanese sound unnatural. Matt vs. Japan and That Japanese man Yuta are some youtubers I’d recommend checking out, if you haven’t already. Hope this helps!

  2. CHITUS?⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻

    In all seriousness in the comment section. This was of great help! Dunno about sleeping but I was able to memorize all the phrases just by listening during my workout.

  3. Example

    Time Stamps
    Intro 00:28
    Gomennasai-Im sorry 00:30
    Sumimasen-Excuse Me 00:40
    Hajimemashite-Nice to meet you 00:52
    Wakarimasen-I don’t understand 01:06
    Konnichiwa-Hello 01:16
    Ohayo-Good morning 01:30
    Hai-Yes 01:43
    Konbanwa-Good Evening 01:54
    O-yasuminasai-Good Night 02:04
    O-genki desu ka-How are you 02:19

  4. Disappointment

    I’m learning Japanese in school so decided to listen to this cause I like to listen to stuff while playing games and I realized when I listen to songs that aren’t English and the English lyrics I’m able to sing along in English and the other language such as Swedish a language I’ve never practiced before but I’m able to sing along to the Swedish song in Swedish just fine.

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