Learn EVERYTHING about Adobe Photoshop
Learn EVERYTHING about Adobe Photoshop
Pick a Lesson or Watch the whole thing!
00:18 – Brief Overview
4:38 – Creating a New Document
10:01 – Introduction to the Layout
15:54 – Navigation
19:34 – Working with Multiple Images
24:05 – File Types
30:03 – Important Shortcuts
37:17 – Important Tools
47:44 – Cropping and Resizing
– Resources:
52:53 – Drawing and Erasing
56:42 – Masking with the Pen Tool
1:01:43 – Selections
1:05:19 – Shapes and Objects
1:10:43 – Color Managment
1:16:29 – Introduction to Layers
1:19:04 – Staying Organized
1:22:36 – Different Types of Layers
1:27:25 – Adjustment Layers
1:31:30 – EXERCISE #1 – Use Adjustment Layer to Improve Image
– Resources:
1:36:50 – Blending Modes
– Resources:
1:41:01 – Masking Layers
1:44:07 – Layer Effects
1:48:37 – EXERCISE #2 – Use Layer Effects to create an Advanced Title
1:56:25 – Filters
2:00:04 – EXERCISE #3 – Use Filters to Create an Advanced Layer
2:05:55 – Content Aware Fill
– Resources:
2:10:09 – EXERCISE #4 – Use Content Aware Fill to Fix an Image
2:21:47 – Advanced Titles
2:27:01 – EXERCISE #4 – Create a Professional Title Graphic
2:37:21 – Animation
2:44:39 – Creating a GIF
– Resources:
2:51:43 – EXERCISE #5 – Animate an Album Cover
– Resources:
3:15:45 – Design a Lower 3rd from SCRATCH
– Resources:
3:34:35 – Design a Thumbnail from SCRATCH
– Resources:
3:44:45 – Design a Facebook Banner from SCRATCH
– Resources:
3:54:06 – Design a Promo Graphic from SCRATCH
– Resources:
We can get the main three full tutorials from this channel: Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects and Photoshop.
thankyou for this tutorials!
you probably already know this but he does have them all now
@Jack Cole do I need pro version to use more tools?
Hey jack, currently i am watching your video on Adobe after effects- learn everything about Adobe after effects and believe me that video is so so damn useful. I have almsot finished around 6 hours of 11 hours. So I thought to just thank you for super useful content! Love from INDIA:)
please give me the link of that video
All love Ramjas!
Jack Cole, you are the man. Creating a 4 hour long video on photoshop, 11 hour on after effects and 9 hour on premiere pro, and they are all really well made:D
Thank you.
You have made my passion to editing easier !
Thank you so much for the 3 awesome Master Classes -Premier Pro,After Effects and Photoshop.
You are killing these! Thanks for taking the time out for creating these classes. I halfway through your adobe premiere course ??
I have completed the premiere pro tutorial and currently going through the After Effects one and expecting to take the Photoshop course very soon. I saved this tutorial in my playlist. This guy is awesome and I enjoy learning with him.
Great to hear!
This is the best video I’ve ever seen. Thank you. Clear, simple, and understandable.
Thank you so much for the very useful content. Very inspiring. You impart your knowledge without asking for payment. God bless.
Dude thanks for doing these. Looking to learn how to do this and After effects and you are truly awesome for making these vids. Thanks man from the bottom of my heart.
You’re great man! Thanks for your hard work in making these!
Hey Jack, thanks for the great tutorial, it really helps especially, those who are in school or in college and dont earn yet keep up the good work. LOVE FROM INDIA
Dude thanks so much. Just finished watching your premiere pro video, now I
Thank you again, Jack!! I feel we are so close now after 25 hours of videos… lol
Hey Jack you are amazing. You are a god of tutors. Request can you please enable Auto-generated captions. It will be helpful. Thank you so much
Bro. You are amazing. I’m currently learning Adobe premiere on your channel. Next photishop then after affects. If I’m ever asked who my sensei is I will proudly reply Jack cole. Because you taught me everything I know. And I hope to meet you one Day to thank you personally.
Learned so much from this and your adobe premiere pro video, made my workflow and skills so improved so thank you. Queuing up “Learn everything about After effects” next!
Jack Cole ??
Legend ?
Just got done watching the video completely. Thanks so much for your knowledge and help Jack
Add subtitles plz so that vast majority can learn easily from your awesome tutorial.
Huge fan of your master class videos. I’ve watched them all. Extreamely educational. Helped me a lot. Thank you so much ❤️