Learn English while you SLEEP (with SUBTITLES) – अंग्रेजी सो सीखो – تعلم الانجليزية في النوم
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Learn English Sleeping: Increase your vocabulary in a fast way.
There is a proven way to accelerate your learning and retain more vocabulary by listening to conversations in English while you sleep. Learning English while you sleep is real and fast!
इंग्लिश स्लीपिंग सीखें: अपनी शब्दावली तेजी से बढ़ाएं।
आपके सोते समय अंग्रेजी में वार्तालापों को सुनकर अपनी शिक्षा में तेजी लाने और अधिक शब्दावली बनाए रखने का एक सिद्ध तरीका है। सोते समय अंग्रेजी सीखना असली और तेज़ है!
تعلم الانجليزية في النوم
هناك طريقة مثبتة لتسريع التعلم الخاص بك والاحتفاظ بالمزيد من المفردات عن طريق الاستماع إلى المحادثات باللغة الإنجليزية أثناء النوم. تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية أثناء النوم حقيقي وسريع!
学习英语睡觉 – 有一种行之有效的方法可以通过在您睡觉时听英语会话来加速您的学习并保留更多的词汇量。 在您睡觉的同时学习英语真实而快速!
Aprender Inglés Mientras Duermes: Hay una manera comprobada de acelerar su aprendizaje y retener más vocabulario a través de la audición de conversaciones en Inglés mientras duerme. Aprender Inglés mientras duerme es real y rápido! Aprender inglés durmiendo…
Englisch lernen im Schlaf: Es gibt eine bewährte Methode, um Ihr Lernen zu beschleunigen und mehr Vokabular zu erhalten, indem Sie im Schlaf englische Konversationen anhören. Englisch zu lernen, während Sie schlafen, ist echt und schnell!
영어 수면 배우기 : 빠른 방법으로 어휘력을 높이십시오.
잠자는 동안 영어로 대화를 들으면서 학습 속도를 높이고 더 많은 어휘를 유지할 수있는 입증 된 방법이 있습니다. 잠자는 동안 영어를 배우는 것은 현실적이고 빠릅니다!
睡眠中に英語で会話を聞くことにより、学習を加速し、より多くの語彙を保持する実証済みの方法があります。 寝ながら英語を学ぶのは本物で速いです!
#sleeplearning #learnenglish #esl
Baixe Agora Seu Ebook Gratuito no link abaixo Onde Revelo Como Aprender Mais de 170 Expressões de Inglês Salvadoras http://twixar.me/Mb8T
Inscrições com Desconto para o curso Inglês Minuto em breve. Acesse nosso grupo VIP no link e aguarde: https://inglesminuto.com.br/op/grupovip-redirect/
@Abhijit Acharya ioq8
Excelente, gracias.
Que maravilha,perfeito. Estou aprendendo muito e passando TD pra minha filha de 4 anos.
Bom dia, mais um noite maravilhosa com este lindo vídeo, obrigado.
Muito obrigado cada um melhor que o outro, tá sendo para mim ótimo parabéns sempre teacke
How is it possible to learn English while sleeping?
But I must say, This video is awesome, also helpful to learn English. ?I like it. ?
So nice, thanks for such a large set of sentences.you did lot of hard work
Muito obrigado pela ajuda!
Sure subtitles are very useful when you are sleeping !
It is very useful , i’ve downloaded it. Using the apps. Of Videomate downloader .. but honestly it’s hard for me to sleep while listening .. i think it’s better to listen before you go to sleep or when you’re at the bus ,? thanks ! –from philippines
Hi grace plzz suggest
Is this session help u to improve your english.? I WANT TO KNOW BECZ I M A BIGGNER
Can u want learn fast this I have a. idea
Nossa é muito lindo o inglês sempre foi um sonho aprender
You can do It!!!!!!!
@Marinete Ponso yea
You can do it
what a phenomenal way of learning! great job keep watching and listening dear learners and may god help u 2 learn that fast.
Thank you!
can you provide PDF format of all these sentences
It’s very wonderful technique. How learning English with best way to achieve the goals.
Thank you , so much for arrange this very pretty video.
This technique is wonderful to learn anything when you sleep just listening because our deep brain that record any information
This truth that a lot of people didn’t know it
If I put this in my ear, how will I be able to sleep? If I sleep, how will I study?
Seria muito bom ,nível intermediário e avançado, nesta voz.
Sorry for I’m not Good in English, but this video I learned how to speak English. Thank you very much ??
Thank you for making this video
It helps me a lot
Good morning ?? good service to me I’m trying to get sleep ❤️ write now thanks to you ? congrats to you ?❤️
Nice voice 🙂 Could you tell me which speech synthesizer do you use ?
Este carnal pronuncia perfecto las palabras, o será que ahora entiendo más el inglés. Pongan otros similares de mayor nivel por favor.
Hahahah sim,