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Learn English in 30 Mins | The Best of 2020 | Most Inspiring Video 2020 | Impact | Sumita Roy

Learn English in 30 Mins | The Best of 2020 | Most Inspiring Video 2020 | Impact | Sumita Roy by Sumita Roy, Director at Osmania University Center for International Programmes. How to introduce yourself? Explained very well by Sumita Roy. 2.8 Million Viewers already liked the video

How to Introduce yourself ?:
Importance of English in day to day communication:
Learn the use of Verbs in English:
Adjectives in English:
English Grammar in 30 Minutes:
English Made easy:

Speaker in the Video: Prof. SUMITA ROY
Speaker Contact Information: sumita30@gmail.com
Qualification: M.A.; M.Phil.; Ph.D.DESIGNATION: Professor of English, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
Current Position: Director, Osmania University Center for International Programmes(additional charge: Advanced Center for American Studies and Center for Canadian Studies) and Chairperson
BOS, Dept of English, Osmania University, Hyderabad, IndiaTEACHING EXPERIENCE: 25 years of Undergraduate and Post Graduate teaching experience at theUniversity and 7 years in private colleges
Research: 26 years of pursuing research; 19 years of research supervision—9 Ph.D. and 11 M.Philscholars guides post-DOCTORAL RESEARCH: Principal Investigator for 3 Research Projects sponsored by University Grants Commission, INDIA

Impact Foundation organizes personality development training program to unemployed and underemployed youth through Conducting various Sessions in Various Parts of India.
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  1. நற்பவி natppavi

    Whatever i asked in myself..I got all answers in this video..Whenever I had some doubt my teachers come to my dream and clear those doubts..t same..sumita mam too clear my few doubts by this video ..Thank you mam

  2. Niroshini Rathnayaka

    Hi Madam… Your voice is very clear, easy to learn to us. My first day with you today. I’am very happy,U know for what? I met you to learn English. Since today I am with you. Thank you so much Maam. God bless you…

  3. Kishore Kumar

    Ma’am I’m Kishore kumar. It was a great opportunity that I could listen your speech by youtube. Actually there was tears in my eyes when I was listening your speech because, there was no opportunities like this in my time. I wish to watch your lecture ever and ever in my entire life.
    May God Bless Sumita Ma’am

  4. MD Arif MD Arif

    I am in habit of watching videos of different personalities since long in order to correct my vocabulary and enhance the skill of speaking but all seemed incomprehensible and and inaccessible to me except yours since your words are simple and easy. It leaves a print on mind. It boosts up courage to imitate in my own colleagues circle. Thanks for the inspiration you provide voluntarily.

  5. Sujata Roy

    Ma’am you are fabulous ! You know how to raise the self – confidence in an individual who wants to speak English with fluency. Heartfelt thanks for this wonderful video . I am a great fan of yours. May God fulfill all your wishes.

  6. Ajooni19Ajooni Ajooni

    Thank you so much dear ma’am… I’ll do lots of practice to speak English by my self… I want to speak English like you ma’am so I listen your videos multiple times…
    Stay blessed ma’am.

  7. deepak sharma

    Mam, you are speaking eloquently that make me understand very clear what are you saying and what to do for improving my english. This video is clarify my doubt how to learn english by yourself.

  8. Global Institute of e-Learning

    Easy, effective, simple, clear and lucid. Most useful for non native speakers. One must listen several times and learn like this. Regards to the dedicated Prof.
    Ram Nivas Kumar, the Author
    Writer of Educational Books

  9. Ataur Education

    Ataur Rahman Assistant teacher of primary school in Bangladesh. I always follow your lecture. Your speech is really Outstanding and informational, I always watching your speech and I think I am improving a lot. Dear Sir , Take my cordial love. I am waiting your next video. I am interest Join your live class if it a possible, give me scope so that i join your class. Please Share your zoom ID,password if it possible.

  10. vith pho

    Dear teacher I sometimes listen to your teaching in YouTube I have got many ideas and experiences to share to others people students with effective ways they got excellent speaking English and have good work

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