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Learn Angular 8 from Scratch for Beginners – Crash Course

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— Today, you're going to learn Angular 8 from scratch as a beginner. The written tutorial is linked below in this description.

Angular 8 is out now, and for those who prefer to learn a framework with the current latest version, this tutorial is for you.

You're going to learn…

– Angular 8 Installation
– Basic templating
– Data binding
– Style and Class binding
– The Router
– Fetching data from an API with the http client
– Deployment
…and much more..

Written tutorial:

Let's get started!

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Who is Gary Simon? Well, I'm a full stack developer with 2+ decades experience and I teach people how to design and code. I've created around 100+ courses for big brands like LinkedIn, Lynda.com, Pluralsight and Envato Network.

Now, I focus all of my time and energy on this channel and my website Coursetro.com.

Come to my discord server or add me on social media and say Hi!



  1. Paul-Sebastian Manole

    1:33 – Intro & Installing the Angular CLI tool
    3:09 – Scaffolding a new project with the Angular CLI & Installing Node package dependencies
    3:53 – Opening the project in Visual Studio Code & Starting the web development server
    5:23 – The project folder and file structure
    7:00 – Angular components
    8:40 – Creating a navbar
    9:59 – Linking between pages / router intro
    10:48 – The router-outlet component
    11:00 – The App component’s global CSS/SASS stylesheet
    14:08 – Generating components, a page component specifically + adding a route to it
    17:41 – Communicating data from and to components, DOM event binding syntax, template interpolation, the component TypeScript class (where local data, methods, etc., live)
    20:49 – Component scoped stylesheets
    22:30 – Two-way data binding
    24:34 – Importing FormsModule, needed for two-way data binding to work
    25:34 – The ng-template component specific to Angular 8 + conditional templates
    (if and else on templates, binding ngIf, ngIfElse)
    28:18 – HTML property bindings and other property bindings (ie. […]): binding CSS style properties specifically ([style.property]), or the CSS style object altogether ([ngStyle]), or a class property ([class.CLASS_NAME])
    33:00 – Adding or removing multiple CSS classes at once, ie. binding multiple CSS classes at once ([ngClass])
    34:34 – Services (special components that are reusable throughout the app, injectables), creating an HttpService
    to fetch data from an API
    37:30 – ngOnInit(), brief mention of
    38:10 – Intro to the Angular HttpClient, making use of it in HttpService
    39:45 – Observables, brief mention of (a note to also learn Angular 8 Observables and RXJS)
    40:25 – Importing the Angular HttpClientModule in the AppModule (so that dependency injection knows to inject the Angular HttpClient in our HttpService where we’ve used it)
    41:25 – Listing out items in a template, full template conditionals (as above) vs. the new Angular 8 *ngIf expression, *ngFor expression, * is Angular 8 shorthand for ng-template
    44:09 – “The UI designer in me is sorry”
    44:32 – Angular application deployment
    47:41 – Conclusion

    Thanks for the awesome intro to Angular!

  2. Abhishrey Mittal

    Because of you and your tutorials, the trainer in my College offered me a job as Frontend developer in his company… Thank you so much ? for these wonderful tutorials… That guy still doesn’t know that I learnt all this within 2 months from your YouTube channel…?

  3. pinky M

    AWESOME!!! When I went to some other Angular tutorial, I was overwhelmed when I looked at all the files and modules and was planning to drop the idea of learning but this tutorial actually instilled the courage in me to go ahead and learn it. Thanks Sir. You are AWESOME!!!THANKS A MILLION!!!!

  4. Nuke

    Hey Gary! Thank you so much for making these tutorials, they really help me to understand how to work with different frameworks. I needed to learn Angular for an internship and this really helped me a lot!

  5. busyrand

    You’re such an amazing Developer! I’m finally learning React and Redux now… I wanted to make sure I understood enough core Javascript and fundamentals first, so I wouldn’t have to keep relearning things. I’ll definitely circle back to your amazing course building the same project with React, Angular, and Vue JS when done.

  6. Jeffrey Briceño

    I’ve spend a lot of time without write any code. This videos are like gold for me, allow me refresh my knowledge to start to work again.

    Thanks for the dedication and love in your tutorials.

  7. Siva Naidu

    Wow, such a great video
    Thank you “SIR”

    I’ve watched over 10 hours of YouTube videos, none of the YouTuber can’t explain their video as simple as you.



  8. Arwah Sapi

    Thanks for your awesome tutorials! I have a question:
    I have a tendency to almost always use route parameters to communicate among indirect components because it’s good for SEO. What are the drawbacks comparing to the observables/subscription based?

  9. Adhir Pandit

    I can’ thank you enough, just what I was waiting for – “crash course is always far better to go with for busy designer/developer than waiting 20-30 hrs to complete basic to pro”.

  10. Ellie

    Great tutorial! Love that there’s a video and an article as well.

    I read the article first (and also did my own research at the same time) and then watched the video. I reckon this is the most beneficial way for me to learn, instead of simply coding along the video!

    Thank you for your great work!!!

  11. Philippe Weltz

    Thanks, I liked your tutorial very much, especially to have both the video and written version available. I am more of a database/backend guy and this was perfect to get me started doing my web interface project.

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