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Learn Angular 5 in less than 60 Minutes – Free Beginner’s Course

Full course with written lessons:
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In this 100% free crash course, you will learn how to get up and running with Angular 5, along with understanding all of the fundamentals that are necessary to get started with this awesome Javascript framework.

This course is split up into 8 sections:

1. Installing Angular

2. Components

3. Templating & Styling (7:14)

4. Interpolation, Property & Event Binding (9:46)

5. Animation (11:14)

6. Routing (7:16)

7. Services (7:12)

8. App Deployment (6:33)


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Who is Gary Simon? Well, I'm a full stack developer with 2+ decades experience and I teach people how to design and code. I've created around 100+ courses for big brands like LinkedIn, Lynda.com, Pluralsight and Envato Network.

Now, I focus all of my time and energy on this channel and my website Coursetro.com.

Come to my discord server or add me on social media and say Hi!



  1. Cameron Pak

    Design Course, thank you for taking the time to do this, especially for free. My professor confused me so much when explaining Angular, but I just watched your video in 2x speed and was only confused a couple of times when it came to design and routers. You taught really well, and now I understand Angular way more than I did after class the other day!

  2. Anil Mohan

    Having read about Angular in bits and pieces, this seemed like an awesome and a nice refresher course. Also learnt a few new things. Very nicely put up to cover up concepts in just 60 mins. As always, you do a good job at it!

  3. berniegollwitzer.com LLC

    Awesome Gary! Clear language, understandable, good reference material in the written lessons. Learned a ton! Especially liked your approach with ‘teaching us to fish’ instead of just giving us the fish with your review of the Angular Material ‘components’ page. I never noticed the angle brackets in upper right until you mentioned them – there is a lot of IMPORTANT stuff in there. Worth the watch for sure!!

  4. Taiwo Hassan

    This is the Best Angular Training Ever on Youtube I have have seen, A million Thanks to this great Mentor. I appreciate your hard work, time and every bit of this clean sufficient course.

  5. Be De

    This is the best tutorial I’ve seen in a while (not Angular, but development in general). The structure of the video (What can I do with Angular? How do I do it?) and that you also talk about deployment is just phenomenal. As an experienced developer who is new to Angular, this is just a perfect tutorial. Thanks.
    Edit: If you really want to look for something to improve, it would’ve been nice to talk about what the other autogenerated files (WTF is polyfill?) do and why I need them. But again, it’s cherry picking at this point.

  6. Kenan Yıldız

    Great but you should consider style to write properties and method. In the official Angular Style Guide;
    – Do use lower camel case to name properties and methods.
    – Avoid prefixing private properties and methods with an underscore.
    Thanks for videos.

  7. Michael Tangen

    Loved the tutorial! One thing I’ve discovered though, at 23:16 you talk about adding a click event — for accessibility reasons you may also wish to add in a (keyup.enter) event as well with the same function. This ensures that users who cannot use a mouse and rely solely on their keyboard can also instantiate that event.

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