Learn Angular 10, .NET Core Web API & SQL Server by Creating a Web Application from Scratch
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Python and Angular app tutorial video:
Learn to create a simple web application from scratch using Angular 10, .NET Core Web API and Microsoft SQL Server.
Install SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio.
Install Visual Studio.
Install Visual Studio Code.
Install POSTMAN.
Install Node JS.
Install Angular 10.
Create DB and Tables in Microsoft SQL Server.
Create .NET Web API Project.
Force API to return JSON response only.
Enable CORS.
Create Models.
API for Department Screen : GET.
API for Department Screen : POST, PUT and DELETE.
APIs for Employee Screen.
Upload Photo API.
Angular Project Intro.
Create Angular 10 Project.
Generate Components and Services in the Angular Project.
Add Service methods to consume APIs.
Routing in Angular.
Add Bootstrap to our Angular App.
Navigation Menu using Bootstrap.
Show Department Screen with Bootstrap Table.
Modal Pop Up Window using Bootstrap.
Add and Edit Pop Up Screen for Department.
Delete Department.
Show Employee Screen with Bootstrap table.
Upload Photo, Add and Edit Employee Details Pop Up Screen.
Custom Sorting and Filtering to our Bootstrap table.
This is what I was looking for, a short, straight-forward tutorial of ASP.NET and Angular. Love it so much, thank you!
Seriously… this was exactly what I was looking for, and it was even better than I could have hoped or expected! Thanks!!!!!
setup environment(ms sql, vs 2022, node, angular)
9:30 create database
16:00 asp net core
38:00 angular
postman, simple CRUD,
Thank you! This is one of the best tutorials out there on .NET plus Angular combine. Much appreciated!
Thank You In English and Italian language:
Congratulations for the clear, exhaustive and rigorous step-by-step explanation on how to implement and assemble the sql server backend and the Microsoft web api techniques (.net core and .net standard) with the Angular 10 front end
In Italian:
Complimenti per la chiara esauriente e rigorosa spiegazione passo dopo passo sul come impelemetare ed assemblare il backend di sql server e le tecniche web api ( .net core e .net standard) di Microsoft con il front end di Angular 10
Wowwwww simply superb Man U rocked ?? thanks a lot got a clear idea. One small doubt here instead creating two same child modules can we have single one and shared for two parent components?
@Tea Spells you may try to learn Entity Framework
@Crikey how do I get rid of it?
@Eternal Winter maybe your arrogance is the reason why you don’t have a job.
Don’t get too comfortable, if your are using any of the sql injection riddled techniques in this video you will be back on the street and jobless in no time!
Thank you. It is a perfect tutorial to begin with C# and Angular.
The routing to /employee and /department doesn’t work, but the routing to /api/employee–which is different–does. The other routing options work if I just run the Angular project alone with ‘ng serve’. I’m baffled, but I’ll see if I can keep going.
this exactly what i want , thank you very much man , you’re amazing
wow, thank you so much for this video, its just amazing with all details included.
Awesome work ? thank you so much ?
Simply GREAT !
Thank you.
Thanks a lot. From this video, anyone start working and see the total functionality and then we can improve as we wish.
straight-forward tutorial which go to the point and don’t waste time. Thanks a lot for your effort.
Quite fast and easy… Thanks a lot bro ?
Thank you! This is one of the best tutorials out there on .NET plus Angular combine. Much appreciated!
Great tutorial! I’m new to Angular (any version and that includes Typescript) and I’ve been trying to get into it. How can I avoid the annoying popups that shows the record was update/created/deleted without forcing the user to click the Close button on such? I think a temporary popup showing the message would be more elegant and less annoying. Thanks!
Keep in mind this course takes way longer than an hour 1:27 minutes. If you don’t have experience in typescript, and don’t know the basic building blocks of Angular, I highly recommend spending 2 hours on the following course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5E2AVpwsko&t=3793s
This will make this video a lot more understandable. Overall this is a good course prior to jumping to more serious courses.
Great work. This is what real world applications are built. Only JWT Authentication and exception logging is left. Do you have any plan to cover these topics too? it will be better if you add these features in this sample.