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Learn ALL TENSES Easily in 30 Minutes – Present, Past, Future | Simple, Continuous, Perfect

Learn all of the 12 tenses in English easily in this lesson. This lesson features simple explanations, lots of example sentences and illustrations.

1. MOST COMMON MISTAKES in English & How to Avoid Them:
3. PUNCTUATION Masterclass – Learn Punctuation Easily in 30 Minutes:
4. All GRAMMAR lessons:
5. How to Become Fluent in English:



  1. __Riya__♡

    This video is really very helpful with all rules and one of the best thing he explains all the tenses very clearly…… I just love it. This video clear all my doubts… It’s awesome ?

  2. Theo Lin

    Time Stamps For everyone, who would like to listen repeately.

    1:10 Present Simple
    2:45 Present Continuous
    4:47 Past Simple
    6:07 Past Continuous
    7:50 Review 1
    9:05 Present Perfect
    12:50 Present Perfect Continuous
    15:20 Past Perfect
    17:24 Past Perfect Continuous
    18:48 Review 2
    20:00 Future Simple
    25:45 Review 3
    26:45 Future Continuous
    28:45 Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous

    Have a productive day today.

  3. Learn English with Akshay

    The best English teacher on the internet so far , I have learned lots of lessons from you Sir. I can’t thank you enough for helping me to improve my skills in English. Wherever you are , I hope you are happy , healthy and being loved and respected as you deserve. ?❤

  4. Daniel Mundel da Silva

    Present Simple – 1:10
    Present Continuous – 2:47
    Past simple – 4:50
    Past Continuous – 6:08
    Review 1 – 7:58
    Present perfect – 9:08
    Present perfect continuous – 12:52
    Past perfect – 15:22
    Past perfect continuous – 17:26
    Review 2 – 18:49
    Future simple – 20:04
    Review 3 – 25:43
    Future continuous – 26:47
    Future perfect and Future perfect continuous 28:50

  5. Atul Gada

    Respected Sir,
    tomorrow i have tenses paper and my teacher personally recommended me to see your tenses video because i have really watching your videos till 10 months because they are very helpful for end moment preparation or surprise test preparation.
    very much thanks sir for your acknowledgement???.

  6. ?...நிஷிகா_நீம்...?

    Sir Your videos are really very helpful and interesting to learn. I request you to make a video on When and Where to use Gerund and infinitives.I hope your video will definitely make this complicated topic easy too .

  7. Rayyan Rafat

    Sir, your video lessons are amazing! Could you please do a couple of more lessons on:
    1. Active and Passive Voices
    2. Conditional Sentences
    3. Direct and Indirect Speech

    -I have watched numerous videos, but trust me…none of them can teach as efficiently and as structured as you can. Please help. ??

  8. Shivani Rajput

    Hey sir your way of teaching is so amazing ❤️❤️and we are so Lucky that you are on YouTube for help us ?? keep up the good work and yes subtitles is very helpful for us ?❤️❤️ thanks a lot ❤️

  9. Damon

    Hi Sir, thank you for the lesson! At around 12:16, you said that if we wanted to mention the specific time, then we should use the past simple tense instead of the present perfect. In that case, then if I changed the first example “I have finished my homework” into “I just finished my homework”, would it now be in the past simple tense? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you!

  10. Nick Robinson

    It’s very helpful to group all the tenses together to see the different instances they are used in. Tenses can sometimes be discouraging when international students get confused. So, this is definitely a great help. Thanks for posting.

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