Learn ALL Hiragana in 1 Hour – How to Write and Read Japanese
This is your ultimate compilation to easily master Japanese Hiragana in 1 hour! Learn Katakana fast as well here to be able to read Japanese! ↓Check how below↓
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Step 3: Master Katakana characters with writing focus and interactive practice sections with Risa
In this video, you’ll learn how to be able to perfectly WRITE and READ all Hiragana, characters of the Japanese alphabet. We will teach you those Japanese Kana using simple steps, showing you the correct stroke order, helpful tricks for memorization, and proper usage in common Japanese words. If you want to get started reading and writing Japanese, this is THE place to start.
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I am Japanese but I think Japanese is difficult.
Everyone, please do your best to study Japanese. I will do my best to study English
this is motivating for some reason
I(am just starting my Japanese journey. I hope your English one went well.
i hope your progress has been well my friend, i am just starting my journey into the world of the japanese language so that i may fall deeper into my weebness
Good luck
Daijobu we will try our best i am doing this so i can watch anime with no sub
Thank you for teaching as if I were 5 years old, that is EXACTLY what I need lol ? I was so excited when I could recognize words!
10:13 “k” group pronunciation review
15:54 “s” group pronunciation review
22:15 smaller “tsu” and how it works.
23:46 “t” group pronunciation review
29:25 “n” pronunciation review
38:15 “h” pronunciation review
43:32 “m” pronunciation review
48:13 “r” pronunciation review
52:35 Combination of “y” column and all the columns with “i” Graph
54:03 Diagraph pronunciation review
59:40 the special “n” noise pronunciation variations.
1:02:45 brief summary of everything.
Thank you.
Thank you.
@Bis katakana
Learn to read & write in Language FAST at JapanesePod101.com! Get the FULL VERSION of the exclusive writing course + TONS of other lessons that get you speaking Language at 30% OFF: https://goo.gl/w7xJq4
Well the paid edition allows video downloads? PDF of lesson plans? I can’t video online when I am at school. Extra videos? I like the videos very much that I want to be a paid member
こにちわ RISA-san ☺️
@Simon Jonathan I don’t think because usually the japanese used in anime is very theatrical except for Pokemon because this anime is made for little children.
i have a non blood related aunt who is Japanese and i am planning to travel all around the world and meeting people all around the world
So helpfull i learned
It’s strangely interesting how I unknowingly associate certain hiragana with certain English words that she taught in this video. So, everytime I try to read Hiragana it is immensely easier for me to recall what I learned. Arigato Gozaimasu!
Mnemonic way of learning. Very helpful.
I mean, the video is one hour long. But it takes definetly longer to master this. Day two now and i feel safe with the first half hour of the video. Remember learning a language is not a race, it´s marathon though.
You will have to remember things for a longer time to be good at it
I’ve started exactly last week, every day i repeat the previous lessons and progress one ahead.
I think after a week, i finally remember “some” characters, but there’s too many similar that are confusing!
Today i’ve managed to actually read some of the words without doing a double-check, so i’m sorta proud of myself…
day 2
3 lessons finished ?
@Emmanuel Deybz Same for me to. But as I’m studying Japanese and writing its really encouraging to see the progress you’ve made.
Well said sir.
13:06 timestamp for myself
18:30 next
26:49 dont mind me
Took me a week to finish.. and am quite impressed by how well I can read hiragana now. Time to practice on those anime op lyrics
@Mig yare yare ?
@Mig bro wtf is kanji
Bro forgot about kanji ?
Man of culture I see
everyone just stop for a second and appreciate that this is free, ok?
Yeah man these guys are awesome?✊?
love love
I wonder how I would start learning Japanese if this video was not in YouTube.
Arigatougozaimasu to Japanese 101
2:49 あ (A) hiragana
3:06 い (I) hiragana
3:30 う (U) hiragana
3:47 え (E) hiragana
4:01 お (O) hiragana
My reason to learning the language because Japan is too good and I love it I wanna go to Japan some day
ive been to japan once and i want to go again for a bit more time but for that i need japanese bce they cant speak english over there too much
@jadneofficiaL I wish you luck on your journey hope you make it!
saving up my money over the next couple years to go wish me luck on being somewhat fluent by then
@JohBatt so true
Same same, I’m learning Japanese now even though I have no idea when I’ll be able to go to Japan, I have faith that one day I will though lol. Also just learning because I know learning a language is good for mental health and all that.
Wonderful!!! Thank you very much!!!
I started learning Japanese a month ago and to my wonder i found Japanese so similar to Tamil(my native language). I was thinking Japanese could be a tough language to understand and speak but now I’m a JLPT N3 certified ? Just wanted to share this with people who just started learning the language and good luck going ?
I am a malayali which is pretty similar to Tamil and i think. Can relate with a lot of word
Can you please tell where to learn grammar for free?
@Nandakumar M I started watching a lot of Japanese web series and anime which gave the exact pronunciation of native Japanese speakers. You can try that method along with learning 20 Japanese characters per day ?
Wow that’s amazing!
@Jungkook’s cookie milkshakes?? yes it’s easy and cute… I’m also an army…. Borahae ?
Who else is trying to learn Japanese through English, but English is your second language?
@JU BEATS&CO I’m indian too bro
French is my first language so yeah i still want to learn Japanese even though I’m not perfect in english ?
French haha
Pov: English is my third and jap. Is fortha
Finally!!! Thank you, Risa-san!! ? I’m done with all the hiragana lesson and it’s true that this is by far the easiest way to learn hiragana. I’ve been watching this everyday for 1 week and I’ve already mastered hiragana. I could say I’m ready to learn Katakana and….Kanji ??
So blessed! I really wanna learn hiragana/katakana/kanji but it’s so hard because I can’t memorize ????
@UnitedWay the person said katakana not kanji
@Kidusbk I’m not her but kanji is really tough and you can’t really master it in months or years. It will take very very long amount of time, patience and hard work.
have you mastered katakana Patorishia-san?
This is amazing, always wanted to learn Japanese but thought it was too tough, 10 mins into this video and I already feel myself warming up to the language. Great lesson.
I can’t believe that i literally learnt hiragana in 1 hour … Really the best teacher ever … I am very fond of learning new languages and a huge fan of Japanese movies which dragged me into learning Japanese … Thanks alot for this video , i am just freaking perfect in hiragana now ?? …
The techniques you use to make us remember the letters is just amazing … No words are enough to appreciate her , god bless you
Really good
@mahindra sv Thank you so much!
@Denisa T. orange ..
The assassination classroom…
The promised neverland..
Can you suggest some good Japanese movies? ?
How did you learn hiragana that fast
I’m following this video every single day, and advancing one lesson ahead on each day.
today on the 5th time, going back to lesson 2, i finally figured why i’m not managing to remember some of the characters
The KA and KO in the writing area you draw it one way and in the place where you repeat it, they look totally different and it confused the heck of me!
Update: I’m now after almost 2 weeks of re-playing this every single day (while advancing) and I can actually manage to read some Japanese (some fast some takes me time to “decode” it), so i’m kinda proud of myself, thank you JapanesePod101! ?
22:06 small 「つ」
26:00 「ぢ」 or 「じ 」
33:58 how 「は」 is used
34:14 different pronunciation of 「は」 explanation
36:52 how 「へ」is used
58:36 how 「を」is used
59:42 different pronunciation of 「ん」 explanation
Thank you.
thanks for the grammar timestamps :))
I love this video. She breaks down every character and what role each of them play. Duolingo could NEVER help me with this much. It’s only a hour long and it’s also free. All it takes is discipline to actually sit down and comprehend everything being taught in the video. Thank you so much for this. Very helpful ??
Even nearly 6 years later, this is the most easy and understandable way for me to learn hiragana. Whoever came up with this idea of explaining it is a genius! Thank you so much! You made me learn something in a fun way which put me off from learning Japanese before I found the video!