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Layer Styles / Blending Options – Adobe Photoshop for Beginners – Class 22 – Urdu / Hindi

Hey Everyone. This is class 21 of Adobe Photoshop for Beginners series. In this class you will learn about Blending Option or Layer Styles. It is a detailed class but you might feel it in complete. But you will learn about how to use these options. I suggest you all to practice a lot of each and every option after watching this video and wait for my next video.

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My name is Imran Ali Dina, and I am a seasoned Graphic Design Trainer having experience of 17+ years. I've started this training for anyone who wants to learn Graphic Designing for FREE in a professional way.

Photoshop for Beginners Series Playlist:

Here's the complete playlist of Adobe Illustrator Training so far, I suggest, if you are new to Adobe Illustrator you should watch whole playlist from the beginning:

Please subscribe to get updates on upcoming videos. Here you will learn Adobe Illustrator Complete Course in Urdu / Hindi.


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  1. Saad Habib

    Assalam u alaikum!
    Sir Imran sahab i must say that you are doing a wonderful job MASHALLAH!!!!. Being my self a graphic designer and teacher i want to tell your followers that you are absolutely doing amazing when it comes to teach and share experience many many prayers for you. Those who are learning cannot imagine how much dedication, preparation and hard-work required to prepare tutorials with such details and presentation… CHEERS!!!

  2. Farhan Azam Chohan

    Great learning in class 22. Teaching and learning a software reveals how much efforts a team of adobe software engineers had to invest to provide these options. I am WordPress Software Engineer/Developer. See you in next class.

  3. qudsiyaafaq

    I must appreciate the way you teach.I have always use to refer tutorials from English.Fortunately I came across and really liked your tutorials.Visibility of keyboard buttons enhance the understanding.Clarity of voice embrace the virtual class.

  4. Ali shah

    You are the role model for all teachers .they must need to know that how to teach. and how to convey the knowledge to students.sir your voice you teaching style your topic sequences everything is stunning.

  5. SAQI ALI Artist

    Assalam Alaikum Sir Imran, I loved and Learned a Lot from your every PS lesson. almost watched every video couple of times!
    I think may be one thing in this lesson is missed, I mostly apply layers styles and If some style I need in other file I used to copy layer style from one file and paste it in other PS file….for saving my time!
    How about It !
    Thanks and Best Regards!

  6. Waqas Ahmed

    O thank you very much sir! I was always curious to know about your logo font. I loved your simple yet beautiful and attractive logo. But there is a difference in your logo and the one I tried with this font. Can you please tell what’s the difference?
    One thing more, if you please teach us. May be it is covered in later part of the course, but if its not, then kindly teach the way you embedded the font in previous video of this course (Vector vs Raster)

  7. Gareeb ki vlogging

    sir i am from india and i admire your teaching. you are awesome. sir i have a request please make tutorials on composite Photoshop because it involves so many settings and we can revise all the things you have taught so far.

    1. Rishik Sharma Films

      It is always recommended to eat slowly, similarly Sir is teaching us very slowly and calmly so that we can digest every thing and can also practice along .. Don’t save you time here.. spend your time here and you will save it later when you will work.

    2. Waqas Ahmed

      @Amaya Malik yes u r right……. Although it was not meant, i was talking about the fast/slow speed of the video and its feelings. Anyhow, thanks for highlighting, I have deleted my comment. I can never think of any disrespect for this great teacher

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