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JavaScript Test Automation Complete Tutorial | Selenium WebDriver With JavaScript Tutorial | 2022

This JavaScript test automation tutorial covers everything you need to know to work with JavaScript for Selenium automation testing. Start FREE testing:

In this Selenium JavaScript Complete Tutorial, Ryan Howard (@ryantestsstuff) dives deep into how Selenium WebDriver with JavaScript can be used for automated testing of web applications. By the end of this video, you will learn to perform cross browser testing using Mocha with JavaScript at scale on cloud Selenium Grid like LambdaTest , thus enhancing testing experience.

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?Can JavaScript be used for automation?
?How JavaScript is used in testing?
?Can you test JavaScript with selenium?
?What is a JavaScript test runner?
?Can we automate JavaScript using Selenium?
?How does Selenium handle JavaScript?
?Can Selenium read JavaScript?

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0:00 – Introduction
0:48 – What is JavaScript & Selenium Webdriver?
10:37 – How to write and run test scripts in Selenium with JavaScript?
31:37 – What is Assertion in Selenium JavaScript?
1:09:23 – What is Parallelization? Running Tests in parallel with Mocha?
1:22:14 – What is Mochawesome? & How to Install & Set up Mochawesome ?
1:42:53 – Running Tests on LambdaTest Selenium Grid cloud
2:12:05 – What is Headless Testing In Selenium JavaScript?
2:23:04 – Why and when to use Parameterized Test in JavaScript?
2:47:29 – Conclusion

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◾ JavaScript Test Automation Tutorial 2021 | What is JavaScript? | Part I

◾ How to write and run test scripts in Selenium? JavaScript Test Automation Tutorial | Part II
◾ What is Assertion in Selenium? | JavaScript Test Automation Tutorial | Part III
◾ Getting Started with Mocha | JavaScript Test Automation Tutorial | Part IV

◾ Do mocha tests run in parallel? JavaScript Test Automation Tutorial | Part V

◾ Selenium WebDriver With JavaScript Tutorial | Generate Mocha Report With Mochawesome? | Part VI :
◾ Selenium Automation Testing On The Cloud | Selenium WebDriver With JavaScript Tutorial | Part VII :
◾ Headless Testing in Selenium | Selenium WebDriver With JavaScript Tutorial | Part VIII

◾ Parameterized Test With Mocha | Selenium WebDriver With JavaScript Tutorial | Part IX

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◾ Mocha JavaScript Tutorial With Examples For Selenium Testing

◾ How To Generate Mocha Reports With Mochawesome?

◾ Automation Testing with Selenium JavaScript [Tutorial]

◾ How To Use JavaScript Wait Function In Selenium WebDriver

◾ Using Page Object Model (POM) Pattern In Selenium JavaScript

◾ JavaScript With Selenium – Running JavaScript Automation Scripts On LambdaTest Selenium Grid:
◾ Best 9 JavaScript Testing Frameworks

◾ Automation Testing with Selenium JavaScript [Tutorial]

◾ LambdaTest/jest-selenium-webdriver-sample

◾ LambdaTest vs Selenium

Master fundamentals of Selenium Automation Testing with Selenium JavaScript 101 Certification from LambdaTest:

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+ Test website on 3000+ mobile and desktop browser environments over LambdaTest cloud
+ Online scalable Selenium Grid to perform Manual testing as well as Automation testing

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#selenium #javascript #crossbrowsertesting #lambdatest #automationtesting #mocha #parameterizedtesting #unittests #integrationtests #e2etests #unittesting #jstests #js #mochaframework

This video features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. All rights reserved to © 2021 LambdaTest. Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.



  1. John Farrell

    After running the parallel command “npm test” where test=”mocha –no-timeouts -parallel” it only runs 1 js test successfully and the second test window remains open and does not navigate to the todo website. Any ideas what could be issue ?

    1. LambdaTest

      Hi Magducha, First of all, WebDriver JavaScript will not generate any Reports. If you mention any console messages, that you can see in the Visual Studio code Output tab.
      By Default, after code running completion you can see
      “[Done] exited with code=0 in 6.212 seconds” this statement in Output Tab.

  2. flowbrandz316

    I’m five minutes in and I can already tell your videos are a freaking god-send. Plus your accent makes listening and comprehending as easy as it should be in your native tongue…even for this American 😉

  3. Levani Gogaladze

    It is always hard for me to set up mocha configuration on javascript it always gives me errors like that. Error: No test files found: “test”, ReferenceError: describe is not defined. I searched it on StackOverflow but it does not make sense.

  4. Damien O'Sullivan

    I am unable to get the test title inside the beforeEach() function with the below code:
    `ltCapabilities.capabilities.name = this.currentTest.title;`

    I get this error message: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘title’)

    1. Kazi Md. Ragib

      @Damien O’Sullivan check your capanbilities.js file if it looks like this below then, you have to access LT:Options property to get name. so you have to access like this,
      ltCapabilities.capabilities[“LT:Options”].name = this.currentTest.title;

      capabilities.js file :

      var capabilities = {
      ‘LT:Options’: {
      “user”: “*******”,
      “accessKey”: “*********”,
      “build”: “Test Build”,
      “name”: “Selenium Test”,
      “platformName”: “Windows 10”,
      “selenium_version”: “4.0.0”
      “browserName”: “Chrome”,
      “browserVersion”: “100.0”,

      Let me know if it works or not!

    2. LambdaTest

      Hi Damien,
      Check beforeEach Method is inside describe block.
      And Check the variable name defined for reading capabilities.js file
      for ex: if you use different variable name
      const ltcaps=require(“../capabilities”)
      then this statement should be

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