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Java Multithreading Concept in Selenium WebDriver (No TestNG) || Run it from Maven – Jenkins

#selenium #naveenautomationlabs
In this video, I have explained how to use Java Multithreading concept in Selenium WebDriver to run your test cases on different browsers in parallel.

how to use multithreading with thread class in java
how to implement the same in selenium
how to use multithreading in selenium Page Object Model
run your test cases in parallel mode
run it from maven by passing total number of browsers
integrate it with Jenkins and pass the build parameters for total chrome and firefox count

git repo for this project:

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  1. Shivam Pathak

    Hi Naveen , this video is very useful in enhancing knowledge on test automation .
    Can multithreading concept be used to perform different keyboard-mouse action in a same method./ Class. For example in case of web form , I want to fill user details using multithreading , is that possible ? have you ever used this thing in your past project(s) ?


  2. Bhanu S

    Hi Naveen ,Not able to attend the live session.Just attended . Continuous Inspiring Session and really awesome discussions. This is like keeping everything ready for lakhs of people who can differentiate them from others easily. U r attitude of answering from simple thing to unknown things is too good.Thank you so much.

  3. Rajan Gupta

    this is just amazing. thanks a ton, Naveen!!! I have always accessed your channel for the core insights and it is helpful as always!! Though I have missed the live sessions still the way you have put across is nothing less than a live session. Kudos to your effort. 🙂

  4. gopal v

    thanks for another great video Naveen! Few questions: 1. In what scenarios would you use multi threading over testng? 2. how do you do reporting if you are using multi threading? 3. is it possible to use multi threading in a cucumber project?

  5. Sarputheen Abbash

    Being an autoamtion engineer we must know this concept and it will be very helpful in many ways as you mentioned in this video. It helps alot to me . I am always refering your videos if I get any doubts in automation perspective. Thanks for your Contribution

  6. Arkajyoti Nag

    Great video to understand the concept of Multi threading without use of Junit or TestNG framework, but is it feasible when there are more than one actions or methods in a Page Class and only one override Run method in FeatureThread Class?

  7. Kapil Rana

    Hello Naveen,

    Thanks for creating this video. I need one solution to a problem.
    Actually, I have around 200 test cases to execute. All those(200 TC) I want to execute on Chrome and Firefox parallelly.
    Also, we have different user types, like admin, super admin, manager.

    Now I want to run my test cases parallelly on chrome and firefox but with different user types. This means, chrome should use Admin user credentials and firefox should use super admin user credentials.

    I don’t want you to create a full video on this. If possible just suggest the approach o follow.

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