Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
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Very well explained. May i know how can i join your class? Or when is the next batch for automation?
Hello Sir, Thank You so much for such great informative recording session. The Way explain Every part is just awesome. Thank you so much for giving us deep knowledge about Automation. I have one Question, if i click on join and paid certain amount then, can i get all lectures from Introduction of Web driver in one Sequence?
Dear sir,
In this playlist java classes 3 to 21 classes are missed, Please incorporate. your explanation simply awesome.
In this playlist java classes 3 to 21 classes are missed, Please incorporate. your explanation simply awesome.
Your sessions are very clear sir. I appreciate effort and thank you for your online sessions.
Where we will get that self-paced training? tried to visit your website. It is not opening. I have completed Java for Selenium. Excellent content, very well explained. Nobody teaches like you. Thank you sir. I want to do Selenium web driver, TestNG, Cucumber, REST…Please guide me for that. Please upload selenium web driver with proper sequence. Thanks in advance.
Hello Sir, I like the way you teach. I have gone through your manual testing tutorials and most of Java tutorials.Last 4 tutorials of java were not clear bcoz of recording error. If I join , what benefit would I get in addition to what I am achieving by watching your video online.
Have you joined ? Os it good ?
Hello sir,
Can you please make a single video on selenium automation testing..
It would be really beneficial because I’m going through your videos and finding difficulty in going on right path as these videos are not sequentially uploaded..
If you upload in series it would be good to find which one should be next to watch and learn…
@Omari Alden Happy to help 🙂
@Preston Immanuel thank you, signed up and it seems like they got a lot of movies there 😀 I really appreciate it !
@Omari Alden Flixportal 😛
I guess Im kind of randomly asking but do anyone know of a good website to stream newly released series online?
Yeah a Playlist of selenium automation would be beneficial
You are gem of a person a sir?
Becoz of u I got my confidence back in Life .
Thank u so much ??
Excellent video.sir I want to ask one thing. Is there any difference between selenium automation testing and selenium web driver?
In Automation Testing we can do it By either selenium webdriver or any other tool. Selenium web driver is a tool to automate the elements. There are so many tools in the market not only Selenium webdriver.
Explained very well.Thank u sir
Hi, where can I find more exercises ? what are the perks I will get when I join the channel. please specify
The Best Beginner’s Selenium with Java Tutorial I could find! The rest were unstructured and boring.
Hi Sir, do you take live classes i want to attend if there is any new automation batch
hello sir ,i gone through ur all manual testing now following selenium webdriver with java..i am getting error on importing packages during runtime. What will be the problem sir can u plz help??
You are legend sir
I have gone through your manual testing now selenium
pavan sir can you pls upload real time interview questions for selenium webdriver i have an interview thank you so much in advance
can you pls use python examples instead of java because i have no knowledge of java
This is a very good video on Selenium Web driver. This is done in 2015 but now, at the time writing this comment in 2021, things have changed a bit. However, you can still learn a lot out of this. Thanks.
hello sir , your teaching way is so good it makes the concepts understandable so easily. One issue is the java classes has not been included in this series of course . after second lecture third lecture starts from 21session . please add java lectures also.
He says in first video between 01:01:15 to 01:01:40 mins