Intermediate Python Programming Course
Take your Python skills to the next level with this intermediate Python course. First, you will get a review of basic concepts such as lists, strings, and dictionaries, but with an emphasis on some lesser known capabilities. Then, you will learn more advanced topics such as threading, multiprocessing, context managers, generators, and more.
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? Course from Patrick Loeber. Check out his channel:
? Written Tutorials from Patrick:
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Intro
⌨️ (0:00:56) Lists
⌨️ (0:16:30) Tuples
⌨️ (0:29:49) Dictionaries
⌨️ (0:42:40) Sets
⌨️ (0:58:44) Strings
⌨️ (1:22:50) Collections
⌨️ (1:36:43) Itertools
⌨️ (1:51:50) Lambda Functions
⌨️ (2:04:03) Exceptions and Errors
⌨️ (2:20:10) Logging
⌨️ (2:42:20) JSON
⌨️ (2:59:42) Random Numbers
⌨️ (3:14:23) Decorators
⌨️ (3:35:32) Generators
⌨️ (3:53:29) Threading vs Multiprocessing
⌨️ (4:07:59) Multithreading
⌨️ (4:31:05) Multiprocessing
⌨️ (4:53:26) Function Arguments
⌨️ (5:17:28) The Asterisk (*) Operator
⌨️ (5:30:19) Shallow vs Deep Copying
⌨️ (5:40:07) Context Managers
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Just finished the lesson. Man was this far more in depth than what I was expecting. I appreciate you teaching us step by step how to make the most of our systems while coding and showing how we can modify functions. This was a great reference that I expect to look back on for a review.
what’s next?
I did a few different python courses and never really understand some of the syntax. I built some projects too and after watching this video I have started to understand a lot more Python. Honestly, this is amazing. Thanks for this, I know I will keep visiting again to recap the concepts. The video is so easy that even a beginner will understand what is happening. It enables someone from beginner level to enter intermediate so easily. I wish I saw this video before!! really hope there is more videos like this. Thank You so much
Finally, course which doesn’t cover creating variables, and writing loops for the millionth time…
Kiddo it’s an advance course read the title properly
Ditto 😉
lol IKR
i don’t understand what it means as im a beginner. but right now im trying to make a simple game and this describe my code for the game perfectly
Lol.. true
For anyone new to Python who is curious, There’s a way to shorten checking whether or not an element is in a list/tuple. Instead of
if “banana” in mylist:
, you can just use
print(“banana” in mylist).
@Dan Hu In python3, you can skip the dictionary since True and False are type Bool which is a subclass of to int
In [8]: mylist = []
In [9]: [“no”, “yes”][“banana” in mylist]
Out[9]: ‘no’
@Python Engineer bananas? in your list? It’s more likely than you think.
@Dan Hu nice one ?
How about: print({True:’yes’, False:’no’}[‘banana’ in mylist])
I finished this course and I plan to keep it in my playlists as every topic was directly explaining without excessive details. Really enjoyed the course.
Really great video for interviews recap! Just want to point out one thing: it is not recommended to “share” value, i.e, memory, in multiprocessing procedure, because it is relatively inefficient to try to access a data from the RAM by different processors at the same time. In order to maximize the ability of the multiprocessing technique, you’ll usually split a relatively large dataset into subsets, and hand each of the subsets to different processors and squeeze out all the calculation resource per processor to do whatever complex calculating process you want for the dataset, and finally merge all the sub-results back into the overall result (this is also why people say multiprocessing is for CPU-bound task). Therefore, using “Lock” for avoiding race conditions is actually “mimicking” threading behavior.
That being said, the multiprocessing module provides several data-exchange methods if your “data sharing” situation is actually for cross-process communication, or update a global factor for the rest of the processor to use.
There are a lot of details in the documentation of the python multiprocessing module, I basically just rephrase them with adding some of my experience in using these techniques in real life. Hope it is helpful!
Thanks for this wonderful free course. I really appreciate it.
I feel the logging topic could have been better if it was slowly introduced in terms of it’s importance and application to software development.
Nonetheless, good job!
Seriously I don’t even know what to do with the Logging, and because of that, I still can’t understand it
Thank you so much for this. I have started and stopped more Python courses over the last few years than I can count. This is the first where I’ve gone from start to finish. Great pace, great concept introduction and explanation, you’re helped me so much my man.
I love the way explain things; simple and accurate; directly to the objective. Thank a lot.
Full respect and keep it that way! I am old-school, running Ubuntu (still) on 32bit Intel CPU (as I love it due to stability), and I just … Adore your tutorials and Python as well as SQL tutorials made me Jr. Full Stack Developer basically. Keep this way and in the name of thousands of hundreds of IT heads here with golden awards from International Championships in coding/ programming and engineering please give us more and more and go with that “normal” language with common sense implemented. Respect for effort and if I have had money to donate I would!
I love the way explain things; simple and accurate; directly to the objective. Thank a lot.
This course is a masterpiece! Probably the best for that level Python available online (both paid and free)!
He has his own channel called “Python Engineer”!
Agreed. The guy is systematic and thorough as he progressively layers each topic with more complexity. Excellent.
I watched the whole thing in about 2 weeks, leaving the browser tab open, and watching 1-2 sections every day. Thanks a lot!
I love the way you’re explaining! Decent speed, easy to understand. Perfect! Keep up!
Thank you so much for this awesome tutorial! I’ve been getting bored with all the beginner’s python tutorials, and this was right on par with good amount of new materials learned!
I’m really happy you enjoyed it!
Thanks this is gonna help with Interviews, too many basic courses on python, this really helped even for someone like me who has been coding in python since 2015.
@Amr Aboughazala Thanks alot for this book
@Amr Aboughazala Thanks for the C# book link…; very deeply appreciated! 😉
I finished the basic course made by this channel about a week ago. I’ll do this along side learning C# basics.
@Amr Aboughazala thanks for the book. really appreciate it
someone who even taught us about errors and exceptions. Thanks for this great video !
Thank you for your time and effort Patrick this video was just perfect it really helped me to better understand python but I wish for future videos you would consider using some sort of zooming really would be great
It was a very useful course for me, I gained many new insights. Thanks a lot!
A thing to notice:
A list (set, tuple, or dict) that contains objects can’t be copied with just copy() function. (It can be, but you will only copy references to objects, not objects itself)
So modification of an object in one list will affect another.
deepcopy function should be used for this king of copying.