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Improve your Vocabulary: Stop saying I KNOW!

This lesson is about more than just improving your vocabulary. Improve your communication skills and your conversations with others by replacing the simple “I know.” with other terms and expressions in English. In this video, I’ll explain why “I know” often has a negative effect on your conversation, and will then give you many different terms you can use instead. Take the first step to improving your relationships with friends, family, and co-workers by watching this class and then actually doing what I say in the video. Practice in real life and then let me know how it went in the comments.



  1. Ethan Cruise


    I am appreciative of the information

    I mixed up which drink went to whom.

    Excellent video. This randomly popped up, and I am glad it did. This is perfect information, a lot of knowledge given here. I recognize the information in this video, from my perspective it was awesome, I appreciate the research you put into this, I understand it now and I now see what I can do different in conversation and dealing with people.

    Thanks so much! New subscriber.

  2. Fabrice Izzo

    For those of you Native English speakers adding your unsolicited input or corrections, remember that this is a class for beginners. He has to be straightforward. At this level, nuances only help further confuse students.

  3. David Graham

    Over my years of learning Polish I’ve unfortunately caught one of their most commonly used phrases, “no wiem”, which made me start saying it in all of languages that I can speak. I greatly appreciate that I found your video because I really hate the phrase, “I know”, so I’m reteaching myself to avoid using this. Like you said, It makes me feel like people are not actually considering my message and they only care about what they want to tell me, so conversations feel one-sided.


      Jesus loves you and wants to begin a relationship with you irrespective of your past. John 3:16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. All you need do is say. Lord Jesus please forgive me where i have sinned against you in my thoughts actions words and deeds. Please cleanse me and wash me with your precious blood and come into my life in Jesus Name. Amen.Hurray you are now a child of God. Just as a little baby needs milk to grow so do you need the word of God.God bless you as you start your new walk with Jesus. Ask the holyspirit to led you to a church where you can be fed continuously with the word of God.

    2. AeroShockHD

      Yep, when forced to learn something it ain’t fun. Just like when you’re forced to read a book, you won’t enjoy it.

      I remember being forced to read Fahrenheit 451, I didn’t like it and just didn’t finish that project, stopped reading about a quarter in, but next grade I tried it out cuz I had nothing to do, and I ended up liking and enjoying the book

    1. Person Incognito

      So lots of misunderstanding concerning my comment. I have heard Americans say that many times. So nope, not really a ” you thing” I was not speaking about people from England regarding the English language. Lastly yes, I do know they could be from many English speaking places. Again I was specifically Speaking about Americans. Was I cutting down the whole American culture? No, I was making a simple observation.

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