How to learn English l English सिक्न कहाबाट र कसरी सुरु गर्ने ?
Hello Everyone,
In today's video, I have tried to clear your doubt on how one can start learning English. Everyone wants to learn English but not everyone knows how and from where they can begin to learn English. So, in this video, you will know basic things that you have to understand to start learning English. If you like the video, please don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe.
To start learning English, these are the things that you need to know first:
To start learning English first you need to know the concept of nouns. Nouns are used in almost every sentence in English.
Pronouns are used instead of nouns. Therefore, you also need to know the concept of pronouns to start learning English.
Verbs and auxiliary verbs
Verbs are widely used in every sentence in English. If you know what the verb is then it will be easy for you to understand and make sentences. That's why verbs can help you to start learning English.
Tense is one of the most important concepts in English. Tense helps us to talk, write and make sentences in English. That's why to begin learning English, tense is an important factor.
Adjectives mainly describe nouns. So, knowing adjectives is also useful to learn English.
Prepositions are also widely used in English. Knowing prepositions can be helpful to start learning English.
Conjunctions are used to connect two or more than two sentences. That's why it is important to learn conjunctions to begin learning English.
These are some basic things that are needed to understand to begin learning English.
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नमस्कार ??? यो कमेन्ट जस्ले पर्दै हुनुहुन्छ उहाँ को आमा बुअा को आयु लामो होस ??.
Same to you sir
What are you say???
same to you???
A. Baba
यदी कुनै प्रश्न सोध्न चाहनु हुन्छ भने कमेन्टमा सोध्न सक्नु हुनेछ
Tense को भिडियो हेर्न को लागि यो लिन्क मा Click गर्नु होला
Sir tapaila bujako matai bujcu aruko video herda ta bud dai bud dai na
Sir online class basic course dekhi auta group banayer padaunus na plz
@bishal bhandari good
I thought English starts from symbols: auditory and visual.
The building blocks of the language are numbers, alphabet and signs.
To start from nouns is not to start, futile and definitely a wrong strategy.
Beginners start from letters, colours, days, months and the world around.
First of all, when we make videos, we assume that whoever is watching our videos is capable of knowing very basic things like numbers, alphabet, days and months. Because if they weren’t capable, we don’t think they would even know how to use YouTube and watch our videos. Simple things like the alphabet, numbers and some symbols are also taught in school from the very beginning. Therefore, we think that whoever watches our videos, it is our duty to help them from the basic levels of grammar.
प्रस्तुत गर्ने तरिका एक्दमै सहि लाग्यो । ??
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Horw ??
यसरी बेसिक लेभल बाट सिकाउनु भयकोमा सारै खुशी लाग्यो सो धन्नेबाद।
Sir please make a video on causative verbs. At that topic please cover hot to make passive of causative verbs, how to write tag questions of causative verbs and making indirect speech of causative verbs. pleaseeee these things aren’t given in my grammar i am searching for these topic in youtube for morw than a month but i haven’t got very effictive video but when i saw your axullary`s video i got a hope that you would explain more better than other so ita my humble request with you to make a video on causative verbs with mentioning above things which i have already written. I hope after you read this comment you will definetly make that video.
Thank you so much sir
Most welcome. Please don’t forget to like, comment, share and subscribe to our channel.
wow sir you are super teacher
Thank you.
wow sir you are super teacher
@Purna Sunar Thank you.
सारै बुजायर सिकाउनु भयको मा धन्यवाद हजुर यस्तै अरु पनि सिकाउनु होला ????
Have a nice
Namaste sir???
Nmaskar Dipesh Ji! Please don’t forget to like, comment, share and subscribe to our channel for future updates.
I would like TO thanks your TEAM FOR making thiS types OF video IT really HELPS ME ?? THANK YOU BUDDY
@English Hub ❤️
@Find Hub. Happy to help you!!
मिठो सुरिलो स्वरमा व्याख्या, धन्यबाद ??????
@My Celebration Happy to help. Please don’t forget to like, comment share and subscribe for more updates.
Wow Thank You So Much For giving Good suggestion sir ??❤️
B Three Always welcome.
to be continue please sir??
hi @budha biisna ji! Thank you so much for your comment…. keep learning!
Thanks a lot sir for your great videos to grow our riding, writing, learning & speaking skill.???????Keep teaching us?
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Yummy 6
यसरी सिकाउने कमाई मात्रामा होला सिकाउने तरिका धेरै राम्रो छ
धेरै video हेरे तर बल्ल पाए खोजेको जस्तो video ??❤️
bujhnu vyo ta
Thank you so much. Please don’t forget to like, comment, share and subscribe to our channel for more updates.
Always living legendry sir keep loving and very very thanks ful to your all motivation learning english videos stay safe,stay good,nice,excellent,splendid,stay healthy,wealthy etc thank you❤️❤️????????????from dubai
हामिलाई क्लासमा यसैगरी सरहरुले सिकाएको भए English boln सक्ने हुन्थे होला म पनि हजुरले राम्रो गरि भन्दिनु भयो बुझ्न प्रयास गर्छु हजुरलाई धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद सर
Yes you are write
@English Hub hamro tira ta first student lai pani aaudaina ho
Ho ho
Chitta bujyo hjur ko kura
Tyo ta aafule dhaayan diyera padha ne honi hjur?
Thank you sir???
Most welcome.