How To Learn And Use 1000 English Vocabulary Words
Follow me on instagram @speakenglishwithtiffani
(I teach you 3 new vocabulary words every day)
In this lesson you will learn exactly how to learn and use 1000 English vocabulary words. This formula will increase your ability to learn vocabulary and it will also help you learn how to study properly.
How to improve your English listening skills
How to Talk in English
How to study English
English Comprehension, Patterns, and Summary
How to improve your English fluency
How to improve your English pronunciation
How to pass IELTS Speaking
Learn English idioms
Learn English slang
Learn 10 ways to say things in English
How to express yourself in English
Learn English vocabulary visually
How to use English phrasal verbs
The key secrets to speaking English
How to write an essay in English
How to make long sentences in English
How to answer any question in English
How To Pass IELTS Speaking
How To Make Long Sentences in English
Speak English Ebook with Idioms, Vocabulary, and Expressions
30 English Body Idioms Ebook
How to pass IELTS speaking part 1
How to master English conversation
How to express being in love in English
Name: Tiffani
What country am I from? America (USA)
What was my previous job? Web Designer for NASA
How long have I been an English teacher? Since 2009
How many students have I taught? Several thousands
What country do I currently teach English in? South Korea
Why did I become an English teacher? To help students enjoy English!
What is my goal as a teacher? To help students speak with confidence!
How can you contact me?
What is my website?
Get worksheets and advice for teaching English #english #learnenglish #englishlessons #english #learnenglish #englishlessons
I agree with the formula that learning English words with the help of visual representation and then using it practically in daily life can only help one to increase vocabulary.
I am applying this formula in my videos and in my life. Powerful it is indeed. Love you Tiffani.
I will never give up learning English. My dreams are to study abroad.
giving it first try i am ready
Congrats ?
My to but not for study ,for the way how old you are?
Me too ?? but…
Hi Tiffani you have given a wonderful presentation. I have identified the following key points for learning English. You may agree.
1. Read aloud
2. Speak in front of a mirror
3. Try to speak to friends without hesitation
4. Increase vocabulary
5. Learn the usage of some new words on a daily basis
6. Make native friends,
7. Native girlfriend or a boyfriend can make a big difference
8. Participate in group discussions
9. Get hold of some mentors ( I can be one)
Before trying to speak any language, listening comes 1 st and most. You should never miss any spoken word during conversation or media presentation.Once you master this you move to the next phase which is engaging in a debate about anything. The key is patience and determination.Also not to be afriad of making mistake is crucial. You should tell yourself hay it ain’t my language but I am going to make it one. When babies learn to speak they make tons of mistake at the beginning but they keep going and that is how nature work. After many years of great effort, the time will arrive when yo1 wou` be able to speak better than Donald Trump or george bush.?
Bro I need your help please ?
Thank you
My English students find remembering vocabulary the hardest. It needs the practice to improve. Nice video 🙂
@Thyda Cooking TV good
It’s not as hard as we think
its me suwadou touray i live in the gambia
I’m learning English too
The Breakdown~ 3:46
Thanks ?
I appreciate that ❤️
My favorite teacher is Tiffani, the words slip out of her mouth like pearls without thinking. I loved English language by following you! God bless you!
Such a detail motivating presentation your method when applied is sure to present the desired results. Thank you
I would like to thank all the providers who are giving us all the highly skilled materials for enhancing our language, in particular oral interpretation and Listening skills
Hello Polyglots, I am currently at a level of C1 in English. I would like to become fluent, respectfully broaden my vocabulary, as well as devote myself more to language. I would be pleased about tips to achieve the named goal
Very useful to learn easily. Awesome for all the beginners worldwide.
Thank you so much Tiffany. This is exactly what I was trying to find for so long. Much appreciated.
Thank you! The way you teach us english in commendable..
I was not so good in English… But after your videos now i can..?
i would love to help u learn english because i am american
Learning the right method first to learn, remember, and use vocab is half the battle. Thanks for this video. It’s very thorough! We used to work in Korea too. Interesting place to live and work, lots of great food too!
This steps very important to start learn English and thank you teacher you are doing a great job ??❤️
Today is my 16 day and I’ve just review all of vocab or sentences that I’ve made. It came a trully amazing when your intructions that you gave work perfectly!! thank you and god bless you
How things are going after two years. ✋
I’m so thankful I stumbled on to your video. Ive been trying to learn sign language and I’m having a hard time. But these videos are really enlightening. Hearing that someone else has my same feelings is encouraging. Thank you.
Finally I found a video that will help me to improve my English vocabulary!!
Thank you so much ma’am ??
from Philippines ?
did it work?
Beatiful lesson Tiffany…your pronunciation is great..thanks for your effort and knowledge for with us yours students. You are the best teacher for me…THANKS. SO LONG. GOD BLEES YOU.
To learn a language you need to find methods or ways to learned it. Each persons will do it their on way. I think this is a good way to do it ,but practice is very important. When you memorized the new words keep practicing with other people, talk about politics, religion, history, food, whatever you like most and you will see the results.?