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  1. notathon

    This is great! I’m soo happy you guys put this up. I’ve been playing around with absolute beginner java for a while and I’ve had a great time learning Python so far. I can’t wait to use it someday!

  2. John Bean

    Great lecture. Definitely worth watching if you are learning Python. In the beginning of the series, the lecturer mentions that you need some familiarity with programming before taking the course, and that is very true.

  3. Fabiano

    I was using Python version 3.1.2 for Windows and almost every exercise failed for me. So I tried my version running over VMware player with Linux, Python 2.6.5 and it works like charm now. I’m glad Google gives even classes for free. Thanks a lot!

  4. datanewb

    For those with programming experience (which is the intended audience of these classes) I found doing the exercises with Eclipse and PyDev to greatly enhance my learning experience. I feel ready to transistion into larger Python projects with a solid IDE. I have experience working with c++ in VS, so I just need a little nudge to get the syntax right.

  5. Kin Cheng

    i took a udemy course on python and this is a fantastic video to summarize it all. awesome job.

    but i wouldnt recommend this for anyone without any programming experience or taken other courses first

  6. Bjurman

    Thank you for taking the time to reply 🙂 What I meant though wasn’t why it happens, but why they would do it that way 🙂
    Someone suggested in another comment that it was to get rid of duplicates, but it’s not 🙂
    The only real reason I can see to use this much more complex way would be for optimization, but that seems a bit overkill on the third hour of the first day’s class 🙂

  7. Cyd Ferree

    I’m confused as to why the solutions are so complicated. In List2.py for linear_merge, why can’t we just return sorted(list1 + list2)? That creates a new list with all the elements and returns it, which is the problem specified. If we need to actually hold a list first, we could make a var from list1 + list2 and do a sorted on the var. Am I missing something?

  8. ForeverWiked

    These were great, and the practice problems were awesome!

    Even though he said you should have some experience, I feel like if you watch each video and have google on hand, you’ll learn in no time

  9. Mellowyellow8888

    This is a good video for people with existing programming experience. Better than learning on coursera, or codeacademy.. Discussion differences between compiled languages and their syntax to python makes things alot easier to understand..

    On a side note this guy talks like Rodney Mckay (David Hewlett) from Stargate Atlantis…

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