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Google Python Class Day 1 Part 1

Google Python Class Day 1 Part 1:
Introduction and Strings.

Interested in learning python? Then you must watch this video!

By Nick Parlante.

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    1. Dragami

      @WAR_ X_ you definitely need more. Its best to learn many different languages as some languages are good for different things. Also, once you learn your first language its much easier to learn any other languages

  1. wepef3D

    Excellent lecture. Great introduction to Python. All other Python tutorials teach actual programming I just wanted to learn Python (I know how to code already). My hat off to you Mr.Parlante.

  2. Jonathan Wheeler

    I had the privilege of taking his Java class at Stanford in early 2008. He is indeed a nice guy; I love his friendly teaching style. He’s very affable and approachable when you have a problem. What a wonderful teacher!

  3. z4k

    Very useful. Thanks.

    I’ve been learning Python from “Beginning Python” (Magnus Lie Hetland) and I felt the need for another perspective to reinforce things. This video does that perfectly. I’ll watch the other videos in the series as I progress through the book.

  4. alexkh77

    I can’t wait till I finish my final exam to watch and learn from these tutorials. It is pretty good. Watch it!!!!! It is free and it is really helpful. I love the way Google document the class because it walks me through it to make my life so simply.

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