Firebase in Angular Applications | Mosh
This tutorial teaches you how to build real-time apps with Firebase and Angular.
00:00 Introduction
01:17 What is Firebase
03:37 Your First Firebase Project
04:19 Working with Firebase Databases
09:18 Installing Firebase
14:27 Reading Lists
21:44 A Real-time Database
23:17 Observables and Memory Leaks
Angular 4 Tutorial for Beginners
Angular Version History
Angular Material
Angular Animations
I have several other courses on web and mobile application development. You can find them all here:
This is the best explanation I have found! Thank you!
Fantastic, Awesome teaching By Most Hamedani.
Great little video that is a very clear walkthrough of getting Firebase up and running in Angular 2. Worked for me!
I like a lot your way of teaching !!
I’m having some difficulties in displaying data from fire-base. I’m using NG 6, and since a lot have been changed and deprecated i struggled a bit to get the same result as a beginner with NG 6. I couldn’t manage to display data like your ” Adding object lecture ” exactly when i pushed an object and tried to display it using {{ course || }}. I get as a return the list but with [object object] instead of course5.
If anyone had the same problem, it would be great to share your solutions. Thanks in advance !
this sections of = courses is producing an error. I’ve copied the code line for line
I would note that even with observables coming from http (even they emit single value) we should care about unsubscribe on component destroy hook because the ajax call could take some time, and if the component is destroyed before the call completes, the subscription will still be in play (you can try it with rxjs .delay in angular 4)
man you’re good, i need more firebase tuts…. can you please do a (zero to pro firebase series)
thanks for your great videos! q: how do we “unsubscribe” from observing changes to the Firebase data?
Hey greetings from Brazil.
I love how you explain the details.
Today you won a new follower.
Bro!! You always impress me a lot and a lot <3, Keep uploading => feed our knowledge 😉
I saw many tutorials. Yours are the best explained…no way
English is not my mother tongue but man you made a fantastic explanation. I was searching during days with tons of videos regarding to this topic but any of them were so good like this. After this, All I can do is give you a like and subscribe to your channel. You truly deserve it.
Juan Luna yeah the same for me
thank you sir for your brief explanation on firebase
i have a slight difference (nov 13 2017). When i go to the console, I don’t have objects, rather the data received from Firebase is a normal array. Later, in the view snippet, to get it to work i used {{ course }} rather than {{ course.$value }} . Does anyone else have this difference?
yes. {{course}} worked for me too
yeah the newer version of angular just makes it simpler I think
very easy to undersand, thanks Mr Mosh
Dear Mosh, could you please share the second video of the firebase tutorial.
For those who watch this while using Angular 5, the method ‘list’ doesn’t return an observable anymore, you need to use first the method ‘valueChanges’ which you can then subscribe to.
constructor(db: AngularFireDatabase) {- (‘/items’).valueChanges().subscribe(…);
Thanks for this very nice tutorial! I have a small problem, when I want to call the “subscribe” on db.list(‘courses’), I get the following message: Property ‘subscribe’ does not exist on type ‘AngularFireList<{}>‘. Is that changed over time, or ..?
@codewithvipul ERROR in src/app/app.component.ts(15,7): error TS2339: Property ‘_db’ does not exist on type ‘AppComponent’.
@codewithvipul where i write this code cuz i had syntaxe error
Yes, your code works! Thanks man!
thanks Vipul, how did u figure it out?
Your Angular tutorials are awesome! Please do more 🙂
Dear Mosh, thank you very much for your tutorials.They are really great, especially for beginners.
love all your tutorials, you are a very good instructor