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English Conversation – Learn English – Speaking English Subtitles Lesson 01

  • English Conversation
  • Learn English
  • Speaking English
  • English Subtitles
  • Learn English Conversation
  • learn english conversation for beginners
  • learn english conversation online free
  • learn english conversation free
  • speaking english course
  • speaking english practice
  • speaking english fluently
  • speaking english online



  1. Ankur Choudhary

    Thankyou for this lessons
    This can really help me to enhance my English speaking as well as writing too.
    Enjoying with interesting serials episode
    Last but not least ,I get lot of things via this lecture ?

  2. Lorenzo Vazquez Alcantara

    Buenas tardes. Reqlmente me parece excelente la clase , desde el dialogo, como la explicación que se da de las reglas gramaticales ya que las explican de una manera muy simple, por otro lado las palabras nuevas las agrego al diccionario para repasarlas. Muchisimas gracias. Saludos desde MEXICO

  3. Farida Yeasmin

    This is the most important video for learning English. Really amazing teacher who learns everything so fairly. I appreciate ma’am for creating nice video. At last, subscribed the channel &try to see videos.

  4. Magda

    Very good! I’m liking very much! Mesmo eu já sabendo um pouquinho, estou gostando de ouvir e ler ao mesmo tempo! Isto é excelente, ainda mais com explicações em inglês! Fiquei fã do Learn English Conversation! Espero que tenham muitos e muitos vídeos!

  5. Nazifa

    This is the best video i’ve ever seen… It’s really helpful… I have enjoyed the full lesson very much.. And also i think they speaks clearly so that we can understand their talks easily and also learn the correct pronunciation… So… I have subscribed this channel.. And i hope i will learn English from this channel from now on… Thank you..

  6. donquijotexx

    I visit a family who never had opportunity to learn English. This video presents a way how initiate a class: the conversation would be slow_ like in this video. And beginners used to translate word by word, but important in this time is let the situation suggest what meaning word would be. More important that to know everything is to understand the situation or even gestures.

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