Dynamic XPath using Different Approaches And FindElements Concept – Selenium WebDriver Session 6
How to design Custom Dynamic XPath using Contains, Starts-with, Ends-With and text() functions. The concept of FindElements method – How to get total page links count using FindElements method.
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You are awesome Sir. You clear all the concepts so easily and that too even small small points which trainer usually miss. Your way of teaching is amazing. Thanks for all the tutorials. It means a lot. I have spend money on training institutes but after watching your videos I feel cheated and my all money is wasted there. You are so so better from them. Thanks. God bless
Hi Naveen, You made writing xpath for dynamic locators look so simple and easy. Thanks so much for this video.
Great Tutorial by you sir and examples are really illustrative. One Suggestion in your next tutorial please increase font size so that we can see these video in tablet as well. Thanks a lot for your training.
I regret buying the courses in “Udemy” for Automation after watching this as well, all of your videos.. Thank you so much for spreading your knowledge to the one who I think dummest yesterday and Genius today.. after watching this video every-time I automate, With no doubt it passes and being proud I myself feel U did it boy.. (Humble Request- Can you please make a video of CSS too, Extremely waiting for it as well . Please sir.) Huge Thanks to you Naveen sir(5+ Star professor)..
Hi Naveen! Thanks for your videos. They are very helpful. Can you please tell how to identify xpath of text with single, double quotes and slash in string.
Hi Naveen,
I love your way of explanation and sincerely appreciate your work.
I’ve a concern about dynamic id.
As you said for dynamic id we can use
1. contains()
2. starts-with()
3. ends-with()
But what if we have multiple ids with the same pattern, let’s say we have ‘id1’ and ‘id2’ have the same pattern(in top-to-bottom approach) and there are no other locators within the tag except id. I want to get ‘id2’.
Please suggest.
one of the best sessions of xpath i have ever seen. the concept is so clear to me now. Thank You Naveen.
Thank you so much sir.. 🙂 The way you explain each & every little concept in detail is commendable..
Par excellence i must say. Loads good wishes to you sir for sharing your knowledge.
Hi Naveen, Ur videos and it contents are just awesome. Thanks for that. I have small request. If We can get testcase for practice along with these videos then it would be good
Thanks Navin you literally saved me, I was literally messed up with this ,after watching this I am all sorted out.thanks man??
Hey Naveen, Thank you so much for uploading videos. You are the best trainer I have ever seen. Really appreciate for your diligent work!
Naveen, best Selenium training I’ve found. Question; I installed the latest Firefox Developers browser but can’t figure out how to show relative xpath. Is that possible? If so; please provide info. Thanks for the wonderful training. Ernie
Hi Naveen, Thanks for the explanation…I have doubt about the below scenario how to find the Xpath:
1. Launch Flipkart site
2. Search mobiles from search option
3. How to click on Relevance,Popularity,Price — Low to High etc using absolute Xpath as it is dynamic Xpath coming.
Naveen, can you please add site url as well in notes that you use as an example? It would be easy to practice on same sites.
One of the best approaches so far . . . as it starts from scratch then slowly drives into deep! Please keep up the efforts!!
This type of explanation I have never seen, you’re an awesome ?
The best … so simple way of explaining the complex things .. after watching this video one time only base is getting clear .. ??
Awesome Naveen! Beautifully explained about the Selenium automation – 6 (for that matter, every video). Thank you.
Thanks Naveen for such good information. Just a concern though with font size of text in editor. Can you please increase the font size of text in editor so that it will improve readability?