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  1. Archie Terrace

    To ME, a character analyst, , THIS specific mathematical orator appears to be VERY superbly talented to the HIGHEST possible degree, in “ALL” perspectives and concepts of algebra & trigonometry BUT could IMPROVE his tutoring style of delivery, by simply pronouncing his words with MORE distinctly different syllable emphasis OR stated differently, by using SLOWER pronunciation that simultaneously, would render his delivery more impressive. THIS man has inherited the character ingredients that permit him to be successful at virtually ANYTHING he sets his mind to accomplish and very probably was parented by similarly talented people whom were attracted to each other by each desiring a companion with an orderly mind.

  2. 阿菲

    there is an error in problem no. 2 in printing section where you want to print the largest no. 
    the error is if you only want to print the largest variable name then you must write it inside the double quotes,
    otherwise you need to write format specifier of that variable inside the double quotes,
    thank you.

  3. Reed Thornhill

    Homework: INF 131

    1)Write an algorithm that reads the first and last name of an employee, the number of working hours he/she has performed, and his/her hourly rate. Then calculates and print out his/her first and last name and the salary of that employee.

    2) write an algorithm that reads the marks of CA, of TPE, and that of the normal exams for an undergraduate student in a certain unit of value. Then calculates the average of that student in that unit of value.
    Note that: CA count for 20%, TPE count for 10%, and normal exams count for 70%. The algorithm will be able to tell the student whether or not he has validated his exam or not, and with what reference or grade ( “fair” for an average between or equal to 10 and 11, “fairly good” for an average between or equal to 12 and 13, “good” for an average between or equal to 14 and 15, “very good” for an average between or equal to 16 and 18, and then “Excellent” for an average between or equal to 19 and 20.

    Good luck!
    We shall all correct it here on Tuesday evening, after every body have solve!!!

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