Compositing in Adobe Photoshop with Aaron Nace from Phlearn – 1 of 2
Are you ready to take your compositing skills to the next level? Join Founder of PHLEARN & Photographer Aaron Nace as he teaches you the fundamentals of compositing in Photoshop!
Aaron Nace is a photographer, educator and founder of, an online resource that provides Photoshop tutorials, based in Chicago:
Join us LIVE on Behance:
00:00 Start
05:30 Work Begins in Photoshop, Organizing assets
08:00 Creating a fantasy style ellipse
14:00 Blur Filters w/ layer masks
20:00 Making custom brushes
40:00 Compositing with stock photos
43:00 Adjustment layers
51:00 Creating a rock brush
1:46:00 Creating a project build-up/process gif
For some reason, whenever I tried to click the solid color to change it, it opened the blending options dialogue box, not the colour picker. Had to give up after the first 15 mins of the tutorial. Any suggestions?
You explain difficult things to become super easy within touch. Humanly honest with no secret for everyone.
Thank you for sharing your talent. I like all that you have shown in compositing skills, using this I might get my work to the next level.
I liked your workflow. I do similar but I wouldn’t have used masks for the ring, instead regular layers, but I liked how it works for the lighting effects and broader halos affecting the whole scene lighting. Great video, thanks.
I have been following you for a number of years and you are simply the best! Thanks so much Aaron!!
I love this tutoral- I’m beginner and I easily follow this tutorial, so easily that I feel like profi!
Masterclass, Thank you so much
Are the sample images available for this tutorial?
Are the sample images available for this tutorial?
Love the explination! But one problem I’m broke, spending all my money on photoshop itself
Aaron your awsome. I am blessed with you as a teacher.
Nice tutorial…best…any images we can get…for us to try…thanks..loves ur work
Awesome, thank you very much!
Except the amazing tutorial, does anyone know the intro song, like this is one of the best intro i’ve ever seen, it makes me want to open photoshop and start working on something full of colors… so yea thank you anyway^^
Aaron you are awesome. Thank you.
Where can I get the image files from?
really cool, as always !
Great, Adobe inspire me always to create great content.
@wulfrig jones if you can’t afford it like me simply use cracked version. And when in future you afford this use original paid version?
Yes but its expensive.
Thanks to all I am going to upload next video tomorrow
Me waiting for your next video too
Oh hi leo Triggered I just recently recommend by your video it’s great one
Aaron: the best!! Following since…forever 🙂
Sir I am Sekhar from India. So Nice of you , your tutorials are very easy to grasp to the beginners I learnt so much from your tutorials but due to age of 65 I couldn’t remember, any how your teaching techniques are very affordable