Complete Page Object Model (POM) using Page Factory in Selenium
This video will focus on how to design page object model using Page Factory.
In Selenium Webdriver POM is very widely used design pattern.
For more info check out my blog
Please watch: "How To Create Maven build For Selenium Framework"
If I could put more than 1 “like”, I would do it!
Thanks Mukesh for your detailed video. I have taken couple paid selenium courses but none was as clear as you explained. I really appreciate and value your time in making these free videos. Keep Rocking Champ 🙂
+sathissh s Hi Sathissh, your comment made my day 🙂
Thank you keep visiting.
Hi Mukesh.. Thanks for the efforts that put in for the videos. Its very really awesome.Trying to learn automation watching your videos only 🙂
I have a quick question about the property file and PageFactory when i was thinking to co-relate in between the two. can it be done and will it give any advantage if we are already having @cache annonation in pagefactory model?
Hi Mukesh,
I’ve been watching all your videos for quite a while. All of them are very informative and i’ve learned a lot from your videos. Kindly keep posting the videos like this. Thanks a lot for your help:-)
+Saikiran Palugula Thanks SaiKiran yes sure I have so many topics in Pipeline will upload soon.
Happy weekend
Great tutorial video. You made what looked like super complex concepts very easy to understand.
You are a great teacher, I really appreciate how you take time and explains every steps in details !! Thank you
Hey Mukesh, thanks for amazing video. Can we limit webdriver scope when we use pagefactory in automation framework?
Hi Mukesh, a lot thanks for this page factory video . I was searching for this from last 2 days. It helped me a lot by all means.I also searched your blog for the code of this tutorial but couldn’t able to find. can you please give me the link. I will do this assignment and send you for verification. Thanks again 🙂
Hey Chandan, I am glad it helped you. Here is the link of article
Great videos again ! Have you any videos for data driven testing (reading from Excel) using Page factory?
No as such you can use the same logic for Page Factory as well
Hi Mukesh
I went through your course package at learn-automation.
I know the basic stuffs of framework and know how to pass the value using hard coding, like you have explained in page factory.
But now i want to explore more by using excel sheets to send data like start date and end date in two different calendars. Would your paid course help me on this ?
Please let me know.
Yes it will help in case you have additional requirement then let me know 🙂
Excellent video tutorial !!! Everything is explained in details!! Keep it up man.
Thanks Shahin I am glad it helped.
Hi Mukesh ,I learn lots of things from your videos .
Question . How and where to use visibilityOf Element method in Page Factory?
Thanks Mukesh for the good video!!
I have a doubt on Page factory, how can we select a drop down value using @FindBy ?
+madipelly naresh identify dropdown and use Select class as we do for normal scripts.
Thank you for the amazing video..I have a query.. for example I want to implement fluent wait..and want to give a condition to wait for an element with a locator may be xpath. How would I do it? normally I do
WebElement element = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 50))
here instead of By.xpath(YC_compName), what can be used?
Hi Mukesh,
Can you please explain the difference between@FindBy and driver.findelement. when and where we should use this and what’s are the benefits of which over which one.
Hi Mukesh Ji,Thanks a lot for sharing this video with us.It was very informative(Please sharing the code created from this video,if possible,from Google Drive…or others).Please continue to share your experience.All the Best and MAY GOD BLESS YOU!!!.
+Madiraju K Chaitanya Hi Chaitanya ji, I will update the code in blog tomorrow.
Hi Mukesh, thanks for posting this video, quite informative and useful. I tried using this concept of Page Object Model and it worked well for the identifiers like id, class. But for xpath where there would be the variable name embedded within it, could you help me on how to use @FindBy for this? (e.g. for xpath “//button[contains(@value,'”+SomeGmailUsername+”‘)]” where SomeGmailUsername is the variable name. this object is from the choose an account page of google.)
+Yograj Kulkarni Hi Yograj here we cant use Parameter
hi mukesh please upload one video on setting up keyword-driven framework.. i was following keyword driven framework from toolsqa but unfortunately that is difficult to understand and exception is coming related to reflection package “java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException”. please do this…it will be very helpful for us. thanks 🙂
+Shreyansh jain Hi Shreyansh it is in pipeline will upload soon.
I am unemployed manual tester and they are not trainings here that give you the knowledge and prepare you for the career in automation, just learning from videos on YouTube like yours. Actually most that I like are yours and I think I am advancing.
Thank you
Thats Great Eva.. Never stop learning.. Keep in touch and let me know if any help required from my side.
Hello Mukesh, Thank you for making this video!! It’s more than informative to say the least!
It seems like you used something called firebug, I’ve heard about it, and I am watching this video in 2021.
I cannot seem to find that plugin/extension in anywhere. Is it deprecated? or got rebranded or replaced by something else?
can you please provide some info on this?
Thank you & love your videos!