C Programming in Tamil | Complete C Programming course (2021) | C tutorial – தமிழ்
00:00:00 Introduction and history
00:02:25 Installing code blocks
00:03:04 First C program
What is compilation and Execution – 00:09:43
Variables and Datatypes – 00:11:02
Printing variables using printf – 00:17:35
Keywords – 00:22:34
Identifiers – 00:23:26
Scanf function with examples – 00:25:11
Operators – 00:29:37
Assignment Operator – 00:30:02
Shorthand assignment – 00:32:20
Type Conversion – 00:34:08
Arithmetic Operators – 00:38:24
Increment and Decrement Operators – 00:39:45
Relational Operators – 00:48:28
Logical Operators – 00:51:27
Bitwise Opearators – 00:55:46
Differences between logical and bitwise operators – 01:02:16
Comments – 01:03:51
If else – 01:05:30
Nested if – 01:09:15
Else if ladder – 01:12:15
Conditional operator – 01:14:39
Switch – 01:16:10
Calculator program using switch – 01:17:00
Vowel or consonant program using switch – 01:23:13
Arrays – 01:23:55
Loops – 01:37:21
While loop – 01:38:09
Do while loop – 01:39:30
Difference between while and do while loop – 01:40:13
For loop – 01:41:07
How for loop executes in the background – 01:46:09
While and do while examples – 01:48:59
Program to find maximum elements in an array – 01:54:55
Break using prime number example – 02:05:14
Continue – 02:17:25
Difference between break and continue – 02:19:05
Goto – 02:19:48
Nested loops – 02:23:55
Functions – 02:33:50
How function call happens in the background – 02:38:17
Types of functions – 02:51:20
Function without argument and without return type – 02:54:45
Function with argument and without return type – 02:56:53
Function without argument and with return type – 02:58:00
Local variables – 03:01:45
Global variables – 03:03:29
Static variables – 03:05:51
Recursion (factorial example program) – 03:09:09
Why int main and not void main? – 03:21:53
Pointers – 03:23:10
Dereferencing pointer variables – 03:31:23
Pointer to a pointer – 03:36:21
Pointer arithmetic – 03:39:18
Pointers and arrays – 03:43:18
Call by value and call by reference – 03:49:03
Returning more than one value from functions – 03:55:14
Passing arrays to function – 04:00:08
Returning pointers or returning arrays – 04:05:42
Void pointer – 04:11:59
Dynamic memory allocation malloc calloc and realloc – 04:13:40
Function pointer – 04:20:17
Strings – 04:23:13
Classification of datatypes – 04:28:51
Enumeration – 04:29:19
Structures – 04:30:51
Arrays of structures – 04:37:03
Pointers to structures – 04:38:25
Typedef – 04:41:20
Passing structures members as arguments – 04:41:54
Passing structures variable as argument – 04:44:57
Passing pointer to structure as argument – 04:47:48
Returning structure variable – 04:49:35
Returning pointer to structure – 04:53:34
Self referential structures – 4:57:42
Union – 04:58:06
Files – 04:59:21
Command line arguments – 05:17:21
Storage classes (auto,extern, static and register) – 05:21:40
English channel link,
C programming playlist,
Link to download all programs explained in this video,
Mastering Loop playlist,
Why to find factors till square root (for prime number program),
Nested Loop video,
Pattern printing video,
Codeforwin website link for pattern printing exercises,
Codesignal website link for programming practice,
Prepare for Amazon,facebook,Zoho,Uber and other top companies or try for TCS digital, CTS Gen Next, Infy specialist programmer with this playlist DSA in java – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2U989oaI1Q&list=PLYM2_EX_xVvX7_AmNY-Deacp3rT3MIXnE
Here is the link for 32 C programs for interview preparation(TCS,CTS,WIpro,HCL and other service based companies) and lab exams. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxg4Ds5SzFU&list=PLYM2_EX_xVvV4Kypzs6haPDJrXBaYFVEd
Madam please make videos MySQL language…?
It’s 1000000 % complete Explanation . I think you competed PHD in your Carrier ?
Hats of you ?
@Logic First Tamil nanu ECE tha mam konjo ECE la interview attend lanrathu solunga mam
@SMALL TECH Pls send mail to logicfirstcoding@gmail.com
@Logic First Tamil i want some Help with you !!
pls share with ur friends too.
@Logic First Tamil
Nanum ECE than mam it’s very useful to me
Awesome explanation ❤️I catch up all the concepts within two days
Out of all channels yours is the only channel that’s able to explain things in a way even a slow learner can understand. Thank you so much ma’am
The way you teaching the loop logic was excellent.Thank you for your effort to giving us this video ,we hope that we will get more videos like this from you
Really it’s helping me lots thank you so much Mam
@Logic First Tamil sure mam
Thank u kawin. pls share with ur friends too.
You are best c tutor ever.
May you live for 100 yrs❤️
Very useful channel, Continue your knowledge share. In Couple of years you will be more and more sucessful. the quality of content is so rich. All the best.
It’s really useful Akka?? , we need more videos like this ?
Thank u. Share it with your friends
What a teaching u r mam… I hav never seen like tis of professor in my colg itself… Hats off to u…
Very great effort, thankyou very much .well trained teaching.
Mam u just rocked mam I don’t know what is c … From basics u have covered c in 5 30 hrs awesome mam
superb , your teaching style and explaining to every bit of information in on different level
Thank u so much. pls share with ur friends.
Thank u sister . Long time searching for computer programming to learn . Just see your channel.very useful .
Really very useful for me ….. thanks a lot sister?
I searched for clear explanation in tamil…finally I got it…vera level sis… upload more videos?♥️
sure. pls share with ur friends too.
To have this explained in Tamil is awesome ! Thank you !!! ??
Thank you so much dear. Excellent explanation. Please continue your work .
Your explanation is awesome. Please, explain about oops concept with real world example & app end user example
Sure. Thank you.
this video was very much useful for me learning c for the first time, if possible do a video like this for python after completing c++ series
will do. Thanks for watching! pls share with ur friends.
Awesome Mam ??
Thank You ☺️