C Programming for Beginners | C Programming Tutorial | Learn C | Intellipaat
?Intellipaat C Programming & Data Structure Training:
In this C Programming for beginners video you will learn C Programming right from beginning to all the advanced concepts required to master this language. This C Programming tutorial is a full C Programming course where you will master how to write programs in C language extensively.
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?Following topics are covered in this tutorial:
0:00 – C programming for beginners
1:08- C program structure
4:05- How to Build C Program
6:53- Installing gcc
10:43- Input/Output in C
11:50- Formatting output with printf
15:37- Scanf()
17:17- example of io in C
20:47- Types of Instructions
21:51- Type Declaration Instructions
24:58- Arithmetic Instructions
26:28- Types of Arithmetic Instructions
26:52- Integer Mode Arithmetic Statement
27:25- Real Mode Arithmetic Statement
27:53- Mixed Mode Arithmetic statements
28:43- Associativity of operators
32:55- Practice
34:41- Exercise
35:26- Type of control structures
38:40- Decision control structure
53:28- Conditional operator
58:10- Loop control structure
1:10:27- Case control structure
1:35:12- Exercise
1:36:56- What are functions
1:41:08- Structure of C function
2:13:29- what is recursion
2:31:32- Recursion vs Iteration
2:50:14- What is Preprocessor
2:55:06- Preprocessor directives
3:06:30- Preprocessor operator
3:11:57- Practical session
3:21:16- What is an array
3:26:07- accessing array elements
3:31:19- Bound checking
3:33:41- passing array to function
3:40:41- Multi dimensional array
4:04:58- Strings
4:43:12- Structures
4:56:26- typedef
4:58:37- Union
5:13:25- what is File
5:30:23- Binary File I/O
5:49:17- Pointers
6:2:05 – Pointer arithmetic
6:33:56- Dynamic Memory Allocation
6:47:33- Linked List
6:56:37- Operations on linked list
7:19:24- Doubly linked list
7:35:02- Binary Tree
8:06:14- Tree Traversal
8:42:0 – Quick sort
8:53:39- project
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Why C Programming is important?
Although numerous computer languages are used for writing computer applications, the computer programming language, C, is the most popular language worldwide. Everything from microcontrollers to operating systems is written in C since it’s very flexible and versatile, allowing maximum control with minimal commands. If you are interested in a career in computer programming, it would be wise to start by learning the C programming language.
Who should watch this C Programming video?
If you want to learn c programming & write computer applications then this Intellipaat c programming tutorial for beginners video is for you. The Intellipaat c programming language video is your first step to learn c programming. Since this c programming video can be taken by anybody, so if you are a beginner in technology then you can watch this c programming video to take your skills to the next level & learn c language.
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I would like to recommend to all beginners not to use an editor while coding C, because in real-world applications, C is used mainly for building operating systems, which now-a-days mostly use the Linux kernel. You should be familiar with vim, linux and the terminal. Also, where are the answers to the practice and exercises given?
? Guys everyday we upload high quality in depth tutorial on your requested topic/technology so kindly SUBSCRIBE to our channel?( http://bit.ly/Intellipaat ) & also share with your connections on social media to help them grow in their career.?
Sir u r great make more video?
Why you didn’t uploaded C# Tutorial ?
@Nishath shakir
Thanks again gaV. Qawa
Following topics are covered in this tutorial:
1:08- C program structure
4:05- Building C Program
6:53- Installing gcc
10:43- Input/Output in C
11:50- Formatting output with printf
15:37- scanf()
17:17- example of io in C
20:47- Types of Instructions
21:51- Type Declaration Instructions
24:58- Arithmetic Instructions
26:28- Types of Arithmetic Instructions
26:52- Integer Mode Arithmetic Statement
27:25- Real Mode Arithmetic Statement
27:53- Mixed Mode Arithmetic statements
28:43- Associativity of operators
32:55- Practice
34:41- Exercise
35:26- Type of control structures
38:40- Decision control structure
53:28- Conditional operator
58:10- Loop control structure
1:10:27- Case control structure
1:35:12- Exercise
1:36:56- What are functions
1:41:08- Structure of C function
2:13:29- what is recursion
2:31:32- Recursion vs Iteration
2:50:14- What is Preprocessor
2:55:06- Preprocessor directives
3:06:30- Preprocessor operator
3:11:57- Practical session
3:21:16- What is an array
3:26:07- accessing array elements
3:31:19- Bound checking
3:33:41- passing array to function
3:40:41- Multi dimensional array
4:04:58- Strings
4:43:12- Structures
4:56:26- typedef
4:58:37- Union
5:13:25- what is File
5:30:23- Binary File I/O
5:49:17- Pointers
6:2:05 – Pointer arithmetic
6:33:56- Dynamic Memory Allocation
6:47:33- Linked List
6:56:37- operations on linked list
7:19:24- Doubly linked list
7:35:02- Binary Tree
8:06:14- Tree Traversal
8:42:07- Quick sort
8:53:39- project
Thank u so much?
Why you didn’t uploaded C# Tutorial ?
Where is array ?????
thank you sir, a video free mai hai, aplogoko god bohot khush rakhe, love you sir, ❤️
Actually I’m a first year BSc IT Student….I tried my level best to understand C programming language from various way but I couldn’t able to understand! After watching this video finally I have understood something..and much better way. Thanks a lot ..it is very useful for beginners!? The way of teaching is great ?
hey! intellipaat
i went through this wonderful tutorial & found it of great help and of premium content. however there are many errors in code for example- in continue statement program (from 1:23:00). I hope these will we rectified in future or a additional note will be given regarding mistakes and substitute to them.
Thank you
Nitin Negi
Thank you sir for ur providing wonderful concepts in c,I salute u for ur way of teaching us??
Welcome. Keep learning with Intellipaat?
Thank you so much sir for the video❤️… Though Some topics are missing like stack, queues, hashing, conversion (postfix, prefix etc). I revised the whole subject with this video.
@Intellipaat u haven’t yet replied to the main comment on hashing and all.
Because we have turned off monetization.
One more question, if u ever read my comment.
Why ur video has no ads. ?
I really appreciate your work and teaching. But only one problem, if you explain program logic clearly this will help to understand logic quickly.
Thanks for this, I go to a free programming school called 42 and its pretty hard to even know where to begin when it comes to C. You are a life saver for this video!!! THANK U SO MUCH!!!!!!
Glad it was helpful Niema. Keep learning and upgrading your skills with Intellipaat. 🙂
Thanks man. He taught me C programming from zero to one.
Sir can you show us how to convert expressions into c statements for any one question you stated in this vedio
Hi sir , can we expect a video for c++ as well?
Thank You so much Intellipaat…keep it up… God bless you all
But I have a question..
Could I use Visual Studio 2019 IDE for this lecture ?
Loved your dedication towards Teaching
Thanks. Keep learning with Intellipaat. 🙂
I started learning this c language it is so clear nd expecting that I will learn perfectly through this video.Tq intellipaat for this free course
Sir, please make a video comprising complete guidance for XML & TDL creation on our own for export purpose
Hi Sathyanaranan,
sure will forward the topic to the respective team and will upload the video soon. Please subscribe to Intellipaat channel & press the bell icon so that you don’t miss that video from us.
Sir can we use “switch” statement programme instead of “else if” statement programme to do the same work
yes both works same but switch chooses one block among checking all conditions
At 29:39 the Associativity of the assignment operators is not correct, in reality the associativity of assignment operators is Right to Left. Thought would share, hope it helps! 🙂 Though am grateful for this video either way! Thank you!
Thank you so much sir for providing this video ?
I need it so much
Yes sir absolutely
Most welcome @02_Sanika sachin Ekshette Do like, share & subscribe to our channel to get updates on upcoming videos
Sir can we use “simple coding programme” for any task instead of “C function” ??
Because I didn’t understand the concept of “C function”
And what are the advantages of using a “C function”.
If there are some repetitive code which need to be used again and again what we all do simply copy paste right but if something goes wrong boom needs correction each and every statements. So as a short cut function is used were we will define set of program with a name and use that name where ever required.