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C Full Course ?️ -Learn to code today-【????】

C tutorial for beginners full course
#C #tutorial #beginners
⭐️Time Stamps⭐️
#1 (00:00:00) C tutorial for beginners ?️
#2 (00:12:36) compile and run a C program with cmd ?️ (optional video)
#3 (00:14:35) comments & escape sequences ?
#4 (00:19:39) variables ?
#5 (00:27:09) data types ?
#6 (00:38:16) format specifiers ?
#7 (00:41:31) constants ?
#8 (00:42:43) arithmetic operators ➗
#9 (00:46:15) augmented assignment operators ?
#10 (00:48:18) user input ⌨️
#11 (00:55:16) math functions ?
#12 (00:57:57) circle circumference program ⚪
#13 (01:00:46) hypotenuse calculator program ?
#14 (01:02:40) if statements ✔️
#15 (01:06:46) switch statements ?
#16 (01:10:25) temperature conversion program ?️
#17 (01:17:15) calculator program ?
#18 (01:21:46) AND logical operator &&
#19 (01:25:22) OR logical operator ||
#20 (01:27:22) NOT logical operator !
#21 (01:29:16) functions ?
#22 (01:31:53) arguments ?
#23 (01:35:46) return statement ?
#24 (01:38:27) ternary operator ❓
#25 (01:41:20) function prototypes ?
#26 (01:45:57) string functions ?
#27 (01:51:00) for loops ?
#28 (01:54:22) while loops ♾️
#29 (01:58:12) do while loop ?‍♂️
#30 (02:01:35) nested loops ➰
#31 (02:06:53) break vs continue ?
#32 (02:09:14) arrays ?️
#33 (02:13:46) print an array with loop ?
#34 (02:18:26) 2D arrays ⬜
#35 (02:25:58) array of strings?
#36 (02:28:52) swap values of two variables ?
#37 (02:32:45) sort an array ?
#38 (02:38:47) structs ?
#39 (02:42:58) typedef ?
#40 (02:46:31) array of structs ?
#41 (02:50:42) enums ?
#42 (02:55:08) random numbers ?
#43 (02:58:23) number guessing game ?
#44 (03:04:45) quiz game ?
#45 (03:14:09) bitwise operators ?
#46 (03:20:55) memory addresses ?
#47 (03:27:56) pointers ?
#48 (03:35:59) writing files✍️
#49 (03:40:18) reading files ?
#50 (03:44:51) Tic Tac Toe game ⭕

Here's the link to the full playlist:

Code for each topic can be found pinned to each video's comments section

? Music credits ?
Up In My Jam (All Of A Sudden) by – Kubbi
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library



  1. 48_Subham Banerjee

    In my college I need to learn this C language as I am a CS student. But I can’t understand coding in my college classes. Thank you very much Bro. Thanks, because of you I can now understand coding and I am doing well in exams. You are the best teacher I have ever had ?

  2. Piyush Singhal

    Can we take a moment to acknowledge the fact that this guy is taking his valuable time where he could be doing a full-time job earning 200k per year but instead he’s here helping us.. Thanks Bro ??

  3. Mike Vikiaris

    I want to say that ALL of your tutorials are amazing. I recommend that everyone should sit and watch all the videos, even if they are 4 hours long. Clear and precise. Also, fun fact, I love how at each ending of a part Bro is like “and YEAH, this is blah blah” 😛

  4. Ray Kakehashi

    New Year is just at the corner and i got a week off from my University and was struggling a lot in C and i came across your video and honestly its great man most of my issues are solved . Thanks a ton mate!!

  5. juan chavez

    wow realmente me siento afortunado de encontrar este canal, que bonito vivir en esta época donde el conocimiento es mas accesible (y realmente accesible) y facilitado gracias a personas maravillosas como usted? i am happy

  6. Sydney R

    This video has helped me in my C class more than anything else. I keep coming back to it throughout the semester because it covers most things we have learned. Thanks so much! You’re the best teacher out there

  7. Knowledge

    Man, thank you SO FREAKING MUCH, you have no idea how easy it is to understand your explanations, and this course is way better and have way more content than the one that i have in my school. Thank you for giving such relatable content for free 😀

  8. Muhammad Abdullah

    Hi bro,
    I’m here to thank and appreciate your work. I don’t need to code in C at the moment though currently watching your Java series, especially the Swing GUI related and these are the best tutorials available on youtube.

  9. Peshutan Pavri

    This has been an incredible tutorial. Thank you so much.
    Just a few questions:
    1) What if we dont know how many elements to add in an array ? (Im sorry if you have already covered this, but I didnt recall
    2) How does C/C++ store other Unicode characters?

  10. Zor

    hey bro ! i am now currently learning Python via your videos.now i already aquired some basic skills(now i am at GUI section of your 12 hours long tutorial).And they are absolutely useful for me to learn in a such decent way thanks a lot!!!! i truly appreciate you.
    i want to donate some amount money when i land my job, thank you so much!!!
    i will be hopping to see more about python tutorials too..You Are One of The Great People on Yt!

  11. Solo Z Legend

    Bro you are the best youtuber ever . I started learning python and c crash course . I thought it would be tough but seeing ur tutorials it’s like a piece of cake for me . Thank you so much for providing all this for free . And
    Congrats for 200k . U deserve more man . Road to 1 million

  12. Bro Code

    Like this video and leave a random comment to *break the Youtube algorithm* ?
    I appreciate all of you
    ⭐Time Stamps⭐
    #1 (00:00:00) C tutorial for beginners ?
    #2 (00:12:36) compile and run a C program with cmd ? (optional video)
    #3 (00:14:35) comments & escape sequences ?
    #4 (00:19:39) variables ?
    #5 (00:27:09) data types ?
    #6 (00:38:16) format specifiers ?
    #7 (00:41:31) constants ?
    #8 (00:42:43) arithmetic operators ➗
    #9 (00:46:15) augmented assignment operators ?
    #10 (00:48:18) user input ⌨
    #11 (00:55:16) math functions ?
    #12 (00:57:57) circle circumference program ⚪
    #13 (01:00:46) hypotenuse calculator program ?
    #14 (01:02:40) if statements ✔
    #15 (01:06:46) switch statements ?
    #16 (01:10:25) temperature conversion program ?
    #17 (01:17:15) calculator program ?
    #18 (01:21:46) AND logical operator &&
    #19 (01:25:22) OR logical operator ||
    #20 (01:27:22) NOT logical operator !
    #21 (01:29:16) functions ?
    #22 (01:31:53) arguments ?
    #23 (01:35:46) return statement ?
    #24 (01:38:27) ternary operator ❓
    #25 (01:41:20) function prototypes ?
    #26 (01:45:57) string functions ?
    #27 (01:51:00) for loops ?
    #28 (01:54:22) while loops ♾
    #29 (01:58:12) do while loop ?‍♂
    #30 (02:01:35) nested loops ➰
    #31 (02:06:53) break vs continue ?
    #32 (02:09:14) arrays ?
    #33 (02:13:46) print an array with loop ?
    #34 (02:18:26) 2D arrays ⬜
    #35 (02:25:58) array of strings?
    #36 (02:28:52) swap values of two variables ?
    #37 (02:32:45) sort an array ?
    #38 (02:38:47) structs ?
    #39 (02:42:58) typedef ?
    #40 (02:46:31) array of structs ?
    #41 (02:50:42) enums ?
    #42 (02:55:08) random numbers ?
    #43 (02:58:23) number guessing game ?
    #44 (03:04:45) quiz game ?
    #45 (03:14:09) bitwise operators ?
    #46 (03:20:55) memory addresses ?
    #47 (03:27:56) pointers ?
    #48 (03:35:59) writing files✍
    #49 (03:40:18) reading files ?
    #50 (03:44:51) Tic Tac Toe game ⭕

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