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Automation Testing Mock Interview For 1-3 YOE (Java + Selenium +TestNG + Frameworks)

Automation Testing Mock Interview For 1-3 YOE (Java + Selenium +TestNG + Frameworks)

#Automation Testing Mock Interview #interview #java #selenium #testng #frameworks #experience 1-3 yoe



  1. Gopala Krishnan

    Dear sir,

    really those kinds of mock interviews are used to test the ability of our own, before facing the real time interview….i hope you will upload some more mock interview videos…. i am waiting for your upcoming videos….


  2. Naveen pal

    Hi sir, I’m watching manual testing videos the live project one, why they are under membership? Can you please release those videos from that membership group. That would be really helpful.

  3. Bindu Mishra

    At 10:57 there is a lot of difference between multi level and multiple inheritance… Multiple inheritance is not possible which is nothing but diamond problem, which can be achieved by interface.

  4. Raghu chinni

    1..Two methods contain same name and different arguments is called overloading..
    2..Two methods contains same name and same arguments
    Then parent class one implementation child class another implementation is called overriding…

    1. Shubham Shinde

      Inheriting the superclass method into the subclass and changing its implementation according to subclass specification is known as method overriding in which method name and argument should be same…. And Method Binding process that is method declaration and method definition (body) links together on the basis of object creation only as the arguments are same

  5. World Tour

    Hi Sir, Please upload a video to run multiple spec files in protractor or any framework in same browser parallely in Jenkins to save execution time. Also execution log should also be generated

  6. bittu singh

    Good Evening Sir,
    I’m Bittu Singh. I hv completed my B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering in the year 2021 and i decided to start my career in IT sector. So, I just want to know-
    What is the possible interview answer for 1-year back in engineering degree?? It will be very thankful if u able to answer this question.?

  7. Rohit Rana

    90% service based companies can be cracked easily with the help of this video.
    From personal experience I can say that most of the questions asked in this video are more than sufficient to crack the most of the interviews. Truly commendable work.

  8. Pratik Bharti

    Great…. But only one question over here if candidate gave all satisfactory ans and unable to solve the JAVA Program then most companies are hold their reassume so if we are freshers/ intermediate candidates then how it’s important for us to solve logic? or can we have list of program that we can prepare before goes inter!

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